lundi 23 octobre 2017
The Internet Is Having a Field Day With Melania Trump's First Lady Portrait
The White House released Melania Trump's official portrait as first lady on April 3 and a flurry of hilarious reactions on Twitter ensued because, well, that's what Twitter is for.
Take a gander at some Twitter reactions to the shot below.
Digging this new White House literacy campaign.
- Full Frontal (@FullFrontalSamB) April 3, 2017
@molly_knight @sahilkapur @FLOTUS a bold and unconventional portrait tbh molly
- darth™ (@darth) April 3, 2017
Congrats to Melania on her official portrait
- Luke O'Neil (@lukeoneil47) April 3, 2017
How they FaceTune an official White House portrait? Bye
@nycjim Oh. My. God. It's a Revlon ad.
- Jessica Craven (@Craven7Jessica) April 3, 2017
@TheCut five instagram filters and the liquefy tool in photoshop?
- Kim Cavill (@sexposparenting) April 3, 2017
@thehill Official portrait? More like a Missing Person poster.
- Kimberly Sheinwald (@kimberlyybarra) April 3, 2017
The Irony of Melania Trump's Latest Speech About Women's Empowerment
Breaking Down Melania Trump's Official Portrait Outfit, Sparkly Neck Tie and All
The White House did not reveal the name of the photographer who took Trump's portrait. However, the first lady did offer a comment on her duties in a statement. "I am honored to serve in the role of First Lady, and look forward to working on behalf of the American people over the coming years," she said.
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