lundi 23 octobre 2017

There Aren't as Many Seasons of Stranger Things Left as You Might Think

As much as we wish Stranger Things would go on forever, we recognize that the show has an expiration date. But when, exactly, will that be?

With the highly anticipated second season nearly upon us (which looks incredible, by the way), Stranger Things cocreators Ross and Matt Duffer have been hinting that the Netflix hit has a finite number of seasons. During their interview with New York Magazine in August, Ross said that they were "thinking it will be a four-season thing and then out." Now it seems that's not the case.

The Duffers and executive producer Shawn Levy recently told Entertainment Weekly that there's a chance Stranger Things will go beyond four seasons, but not by as much as you might hope. "Hearts were heard breaking in Netflix headquarters when the Brothers made four seasons sound like an official end, and I was suddenly getting phone calls from our actors' agents," Levy said. "The truth is we're definitely going four seasons and there's very much the possibility of a fifth. Beyond that, it becomes I think very unlikely."

For the Duffers, the chief concern is ensuring that the story remains realistic despite its supernatural themes. "It's not wrapped up this season," Ross explained. "I think [season two] will be a satisfying end but there's still danger out there. There's too much to deal with in one more season. If we're able to, there will be at least four, there could be more. I think there's going to come a point where why aren't these people leaving Hawkins? Like we're going to stretch credibility. It wasn't intended to be a seven-season thing."

Infinite episodes of Stranger Things might sound like a dream for many fans, but how many times can the kids of Hawkins, IN, face down a giant, otherworldly monster before things start to get too repetitive? That's a question the Duffers are exploring, which means an exact end date is still up for debate. "It's not built to sustain that as a narrative," Ross said. "After it became successful, we had one of those big meetings with Netflix over dinner and they were like 'We don't want this going on that long.' They were very supportive of it. It's stupid to put an end date on it right now because we don't know."

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