samedi 7 octobre 2017
This Boy Ate 20 Laxative Brownies - Here's What Happened Next
A boy who is being referred to as "BG" got together with his friends and decided to play a dangerous game together. They dared each other to eat as many laxative brownies as possible, and whoever pooped first was considered to be the loser. Each one contained two doses of laxatives, which is the maximum you're supposed to eat in a single day.
In an attempt to show off to his friends, BG ate a whopping 20 brownies. Even after seeing his friends doubled over in pain and running to the bathroom, he kept eating more and more, making fun of his buddies who couldn't hold in their poop any longer.
According to the story here, BG suffered some serious consequences. He started slurring his words and tripping over his feet; he had a splitting headache, his heart was racing, and his right calf muscle was cramping. When he finally went to the bathroom, he had severe diarrhea, and the eighth time he went to relieve himself he collapsed on the floor, where he was found an hour later unconscious.
It turns out he was suffering from hypokalemia, which is a low potassium presence in the blood. This condition causes all your muscles to dangerously contract, including your heart, which is the most important muscle in the body. BG's heart was beating irregularly because the body didn't have the resources needed for it to relax normally. This, in turn, decreased the amount of oxygen to his brain, which is why he passed out.
BG also contracted rhabdomyolysis, a rapid breakdown of skeletal tissue that results in waste building up in your kidneys. His kidneys suffered some serious harm from all the built-up toxins, and the damage could potentially result in chronic kidney disease for the rest of his life.
Luckily, BG was hospitalized and stabilized, and he's going to be OK. But this harmful game could have lasting results on his body. Although the source for this particular video is anonymous, there are plenty of reliable sources out there that insist overusing laxatives can be quite dangerous.
While it's unclear who BG is or where the event happened, overdosing from laxatives is a real - and scary - thing. The FDA reported in 2014 that there were 13 deaths due to misuse of laxatives, also adding that your kidneys could be damaged in the long run if you aren't careful about how many you take in a day. Overusing laxatives can also rob your bowels of the chance to contract naturally, which means you won't be able to go to the bathroom normally on your own.
Earlier this year, it was reported that a student in Idaho handed out laxatives brownies at school without telling his peers what was in them. Many of these students came forward and said they felt sick and experienced terrible headaches. The student was suspended from school for five days and may face additional charges.
What's the takeaway here? Don't mess around with laxatives of any kind, no matter how tasty those brownies may be. If you take laxatives and experience dry mouth, thirst, reduced urine output, swelling of the legs or feet, or lightheadedness, speak to your doctor immediately.
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