mercredi 11 octobre 2017
This Is the Latest Eyebrow-Raising Way to Save Your Avocado Halves From Going Bad
I was browsing the new products on Williams-Sonoma and came across this unitasker that made me burst out laughing: an Avocado Storage Container ($8). I immediately sent the link to a co-worker and asked, "Is this the most awesome or awful unitasker in the world?" Admittedly, we struggled to decide! On one hand, I think back at all the poor avocado halves that have turned black overnight in my fridge from my refusal to use plastic wrap. And I think about the ridiculous things I've done to avocado halves to prevent them from browning like running them under water or spraying them with Pam. Avocado halves are a fact of life, and the container would get a lot of use. However, is it still just the most ridiculous, unnecessary thing to own in your kitchen? Weigh in.
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