lundi 16 octobre 2017
This Little Boy Dressed Up in Homemade Halloween Costumes Is Going to Be Your New Obsession
The idea to dress up your kiddo in Halloween costumes every day of October has been gaining some steam over the last couple years, but we think we may have found the be-all and end-all last year in Fox Mancke.
Fox's mom, Lauren, has loved making Halloween costumes ever since she was a child and told POPSUGAR that starting this project came from the realization that making just one per year for Fox didn't seem like it wasn't going to be enough. They're all made using items from around the house, Fox's clothes, old costume parts, and craft supplies, which has kept the costs of the month-long costume extravaganza very low for Lauren and her husband, Will. The daily photo shoots have all been nearby the family's home, and they haven't taken long - maybe a half hour each - as Fox is a good sport and Will is great at getting him to look at the camera.
While Lauren says she thinks the Max costume (from Where the Wild Things Are) is the sweetest, she also notably mentioned the Wayne's World shoot for the faces Fox made and the Lt. Dangle photos, as his pose is "ridiculous." Will's favorite is Ash from Fantastic Mr. Fox, and because you asked, we think the Ron Swanson getup is pretty amazing (and spot on!).
Scroll through the adorable photos, and let us know which one is your favorite!
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