samedi 7 octobre 2017
This Spectacular 4-Night Train Trip Across Canada Only Costs $397!
We're seeing a resurgence in train travel, and it's easy to understand why. It's an amazing way to take in the views of the place you're exploring. Sure, we've all seen the viral post about traveling across America by train for $213, but there's a new travel opportunity that's catching our eye.
Via Rail Canada offers a four-night, three-day trip on a train called the Canadian. The journey from Toronto to Vancouver, British Columbia, costs only $397, which is a great deal for the amount of time you get on the train. Keep in mind that the trip may fluctuate in price as it grows in popularity. The scenic route shows you all the beauty the country has to offer. "Leave the city centre behind and glide through gentle prairie fields, rugged lake country and picturesque towns to the snowy peaks of the majestic Rockies," Via Rail states on its site.
The stops on your journey include Sudbury Junction, Sioux Lookout, Winnipeg, Saskatoon, Edmonton, Kamloops, and Jasper. Via Rail says it offers an amazing dining experience and huge picture windows while on your ride. Take a look at the video that will give you a taste of what this Canadian adventure is like!
12 Things You Should Know Before Traveling Across the Country on Amtrak
17 Train Hacks That Will Take Your Trip to the Next Level
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