mercredi 25 octobre 2017

This Trainer's Cardio Workout For Victoria's Secret Models Is Totally Doable

Boxing, jump rope, LISS: we hear different accounts about the kind of cardio that Victoria's Secret models do, but we don't know what to believe. That's why we spoke with celebrity trainer Michael Blauner, who has worked with enough VS Angels to know what types of workouts they do and which ones they don't. You might be surprised to hear what his answer is.

"When it comes to straight-up cardio in the traditional sense, I'm a fan of fast walking mixed with high-intensity bursts of sprints," Michael told POPSUGAR. That's right - nothing fancy here. Just some brisk walking with a few sprints tossed into the mix. What exactly do those bursts look like, though? "Say a few 100-yard dashes mixed into a two-mile walk or jog," he described.

Michael has previously told us that LISS is his preferred form of cardio when working with the Angels, but he loves to toss in those jolts of energy throughout each session. This keeps the models from getting bored, and it also increases their heart rate and thus helps them burn more fat throughout the day.

"But you should take into consideration the client. Personal preferences matter!" he continued. "You have to read your client and know not only what you think works best for them but what they actually enjoy, for if it becomes drudgery, it's not going to fly! So if a VS model tells me they like to ride bikes, it might be a good idea to mix that in and jump on a city bike and hit the river path."

So if you don't like to walk or run, find a form of cardio that works for you, because you should never do a workout that you don't enjoy. Then toss in a few bursts of sprints to get the maximum benefits.

Michael also told us how often VS models do cardio each week. "In order for VS models to be in great shape, they work very hard. Multiple training sessions a week," he admitted. "I'd say typically five to six. All my workouts are considered cardio." And no matter what kind of workout he does or which movements he throws in there - plyometrics, punching and kicking, etc. - "it's long duration with blasts of high intensity." He says this is the "perfect balance" you should be aiming for.

Whatever he chooses, Michael "set[s] a pace that is intense and yet sustainable for a nonstop hour of training." So pick out your favorite forms of cardio - whether it's jump rope, cycling, or running - and get to work!

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