mardi 10 octobre 2017

This Unexpected (and Simple!) Tip Has Eased My Anxiety - and It Could Work For You Too

I have a lot of anxiety. Pretty much about everything. I used to be embarrassed to admit that, but after going to the doctor and educating myself about it, I soon learned that a lot of people suffer from anxiety and panic attacks. In fact, 18 percent of America deals with what I do every day, according to the Anxiety and Depression Association of America.

Having anxiety can be hard, but luckily there are a lot of treatments that can help ease your nerves. I've tried just about all of them, and for me the most effective natural treatment is something I didn't expect: deep breathing.

To be honest, when my doctor first tried to teach me deep-breathing exercises, I thought it was silly. I was trying not to laugh, actually. But when you take them seriously and really focus on slow, deep breaths, it helps slow your heart rate and get you to a calmer place mentally.

When I'm feeling panicked, I put one hand on my chest and one hand on my abdomen and take very slow, deep breaths for three to five minutes. Try to think about something that makes you happy or something you're looking forward to that day. After taking the time to do this, I always feel better. It's no cure-all, but it can definitely help.

To guide your breathing and give you something to focus on, I suggest watching the video below. Follow the flower as it expands and contracts - and then sync your breathing with it.

When it comes to alleviating anxiety, everybody has a different and effective method. For me, this can really work. Give it a try the next time those nerves creep up on you. We're all in this together!


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