jeudi 12 octobre 2017

Your Head Will Spin at How Many Hairstyles Christina Aguilera Has Had Through the Years

If you look back at pictures from Christina Aguilera's debut in the late '90s and compare them to today, you'll obviously see she has changed a lot - and her hair has changed with her. The Ecuadorian-American singer has worn her fair share of eye-catching outfits, always pairing them with a trendy hairstyle and color.

During her "Dirrty" phase, the now-36-year-old rocked jet black straight hair and even wore her hair in crimps at one point - they were a '90s staple! While she always goes back to her roots as a blond, that doesn't stop her from experimenting with her cut or style. Whether she's rocking superblunt bangs or paying homage to Jessica Rabbit, you have to see all of the different hairstyles Christina has had through the years.

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