mardi 21 novembre 2017

Think Beyond the Frosty and Get These 5 Healthier Orders at Wendy's

Look: at the end of the day, fast food is fast food. Don't expect to find fresh organic produce and artisanal, seasonal plates at a drive-through. That being said, we've been doing a little digging lately to find the "least bad for you" options at places like McDonald's, Panera, Starbucks, and Taco Bell. The verdict? There are some surprisingly nutritious options, at low prices, on the go.

Next on the agenda is Wendy's. Whether you are traveling, are pressed for time, are in a pinch, or got dragged along, DROP THE FROSTY (a large glass of chocolaty goodness will run you 80 grams of sugar, which is approximately four times your daily limit). Instead, opt for one of these under-400-calorie plates.

Note: If you need a Frosty, or it's your special treat, get the junior size - 200 calories and five grams of protein, but 27 grams of sugar (yikes). It's not the end of the world, obviously, but just be conscious when you're ordering on the go, and factor it into the rest of your healthy, balanced life.

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