mardi 27 mars 2018
7 Creative Ways to Motivate Your Kids to Do Their Homework

It's hard to get kids excited about things they don't want to do, like going to sleep, eating their veggies, and, yes, doing their homework. While some children are natural overachievers who enjoy school and relish in homework time, many children will rebel. And usually, once your child has it in their mind that they don't want to do something, it can be difficult to convince them otherwise. To help with this, we've come up with seven creative solutions to help get them excited about doing their homework (and doing it well!).
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1. Make a Colorful Workstation
Any adult who has a desk knows that having a colorful, inspiring workspace can really help you with creativity and productivity. The same can be said for a child's workstation! Whether they have their own desk in their room or have a workspace in a common area of your home, decorate it with things they are inspired by (colored pencils, a fun eraser, etc.) so that homework time is more fun.
2. Give Them a Reward
Rewarding your child for doing their homework can be a little controversial, but when done right, it's very effective. Some parents choose to reward their children with food or toys, but the reward can even be as simple as an hour of TV time or a creative, fun activity. Whatever your child's natural instincts, abilities, and interests, choose a reward that will motivate them to finish their homework.
3. Praise Your Child
Rewards don't necessarily have to be tangible objects. If you're uncomfortable with physical rewards, consider using praise as a reward. Children are often concerned with pleasing their parents, so if you establish that completing homework results in praise, they may be more willing to do their homework on a regular basis.
4. Establish a Homework Routine
Most children work better when a routine is established, so consider setting aside a certain time for homework every day after school. You can also let them have an hour or so after they get home to watch TV or have a snack first.
5. Let Your Child Decide When Homework Time Is
It can be hard to make children do something they don't want to do, so letting them have some level of agency and choice when it comes to their homework can really help motivate them. Instead of telling them when homework time is, sit them down and let them choose what works best for them. Maybe your child prefers to do their homework immediately when they get home from school, whereas some children need a break beforehand.
6. Encourage Using Technology
There are likely many ways your child uses an iPad or computer that are not homework-related, but instead of telling them to put down their devices during homework time, see if there are ways they can use technology to help them. The internet can be a powerful tool for studying and research, and there are lots of apps available that can help your child with spelling, math, and other subjects.
7. Make Homework Their Responsibility
Homework is a great way to teach your children responsibility. Ultimately, the only person who is impacted by whether or not they complete their homework is your child. Make sure they understand the implications of not doing their homework and, if necessary, let them find out the hard way. Making homework your child's responsibility will help them to see the direct results of their actions.
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