mardi 13 mars 2018

Not Gonna Lie, This 20-Minute Full-Body TRX Circuit Is Going to Kick Your Ass

Welcome to the "TRX full-body circuit party!" This badass gym workout was brought to you by Michelle Opperman, regional group fitness director for Crunch Gyms in San Francisco.

"The TRX is an amazing tool that leverages gravity and your own body weight to perform exercises that can be made easier or harder by simply moving closer or farther away from the anchor point," Michelle told POPSUGAR. "Please make sure to always focus on proper alignment, along with keeping the straps at tension to get the most out of each exercise."

Now, for the workout! "This 20-minute workout will rock your entire body and is done in five circuits," she said. "The first three focus on full-body strength and cardio, while the last two target your core. All moves are done for 30 seconds followed by a 10 second recovery (use an app timer, phone, or watch). Repeat each circuit for a total of two rounds. Try to go even harder during the second round to push the intensity and get the maximum burn."

Michelle included four warmup exercises before you actually get into the circuits. Don't skip out on them! They'll prepare your body for what's ahead. Once you get started with the meat of your workout, you repeat each circuit twice before moving onto the next one. Descriptions for each movement are ahead.

Let's do this!

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