lundi 19 mars 2018
This Viral Video Shows the Ridiculous Way 4 Teens Removed a Rat From Their House

What should you do if you discover a rat in your house? Record it for social media, of course. At least that's what these four college students from Duquesne University in Pittsburgh thought to do once they came up with a "ridiculous" plan to get the pesky rodent out of their bathroom.
We came up with this ridiculous plan to get this rat out of our house and IT ACTUALLY WORKED!!!! BYE BITCH
- Jody Mackin (@jodeball4REALZ) February 17, 2017
In the seven-second clip uploaded by Twitter user Jody Mackin, the clever group of girls set up a blockade near the bathroom's exit using a mop bucket. Once the large rat came running out of the bathroom, one girl knocked it down a flight of steps using a mop. At landing, the rat attempted to make a getaway back into the house before another girl swiftly sent it flying out onto the street using a broom. Mackin's tweet now has more than 104,000 retweets and over 184,000 "likes" on Twitter at press time.
Many Twitter users shared their reactions to the insane video, with some empathizing with the rat:
@jodeball4REALZ it's so sad watching him flop down the stairs 😭
- Rita (@rita_mackin) February 17, 2017
@rita_mackin @jodeball4REALZ i felt so bad for it
- em | 9 (@fallenfools) February 17, 2017
While others weren't so forgiving, even praising the teens for their flawless execution.
@jodeball4REALZ @kotalikmyballz SHE SAVED THE DAY LIKE:
- ERiCA➶ (@ereyna5) February 17, 2017
.@jodeball4REALZ me @ the rat
- Sam Stryker (@sbstryker) February 17, 2017
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