mercredi 12 septembre 2018

13 Horror Films That Won't Scar Your Tweens For Life

As a Certified Wimp™, there are only a few scary movies that I can really handle watching to ensure I don't spend the next week having nightmares over a film's plot. However, I was forced to watch tons of horror movies as a kid at sleepovers and birthday parties, because it's apparently some kind of rite of passage as a tween and teen to sit through scary movies with friends and not completely freak out (which I never once succeeded at, for the record).

Whether you're a horror film buff or not, you may have a budding scary-movie-lover on your hands (or just a kid who wants to watch all of the movies in various Halloween movie marathons on TV without really knowing what they're getting into). To ease your 9- to 13-year-olds into scary movies, there are a handful of classics and a few newer horror films that have just the right amount of fright - there's nothing too terrifying, but nothing too childish on this list. (You know your kid best, so before watching some of these films, you may have to consider what your child can handle, despite the age each film is considered appropriate for.)

Read ahead for 13 scary movies that are perfect to pop on at your tween's next sleepover, during a Halloween party, or on your next family movie night (and check out this larger list of Halloween movies for kids of all ages).


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