samedi 22 septembre 2018
Costco Is Selling Turmeric Cereal, and We Can't Wait to Get Our Hands on a Box

Right when we thought Costco couldn't top its acai bowls and three-pound bags of avocados, they give us another reason to love them. This time, Costco is spicing up our morning with its latest breakfast - or anytime snack - addition: Golden Turmeric Cereal.
Instagram user @costco_doesitagain spotted the latest addition to Costco's healthy selects, and we cannot wait to get our hands on a box. The cereal contains organic turmeric, cinnamon, honey, quinoa, ginger, and coconut flakes, along with a few other popular spices. According to the Nature's Path website, one serving of the cereal (one cup/40 grams) with 1/2 cup of skim milk is 200 calories, has 40 grams of carbohydrates, 13 grams of sugar, and six grams of protein.
And to make you feel nostalgic about your childhood, the box states that the turmeric will turn your milk golden! All you need is a bowl with a straw and, boom, breakfast just got that much better.
Now, put on a comfortable outfit, grab your wallet, and head to Costco to try the Golden Turmeric Cereal for yourself.
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