samedi 22 septembre 2018
I Took CBD Oil For the First Time, and It Had 3 Surprising Effects on My Body

As a millennial woman living in New York City, I often find myself getting pulled in a million directions, whether it be chasing a career, trying to maintain some sort of social life, and making sure that I look and feel my best. I love my lifestyle, but I've learned the hard way that I'm not invincible, and fatigue, stress, and burning out can and will happen if I don't take care of myself. Over the past few months I've taken on a new job, maintained my own personal training business, and pursued other hobbies like modeling - and it has taken a toll on my mental and physical welfare. In need of balance, I came across Mineral Health's cannabinoid (CBD) oil, Robyn, on Instagram. I was attracted to the minimal aesthetic and the fact that the company promotes the use of CBD for balance, calmness, recovery, and restoration. Unsure if CBD could really help me, I reached out to Devin O'Dea, Mineral Health marketing manager, to discuss CBD and Robyn in particular.
Devin explained to me that CBD is a compound found in hemp and cannabis that has many benefits like helping with inflammation and anxiety. CBD is nonpsychoactive, which means you won't feel high when using it. "Cannabinoids attend to the endocannabinoid system, which is a network of receptors found throughout the whole body - and is about homeostasis," said Devin. The endocannabinoid system regulates a variety of biological and cognitive processes like pain sensation, mood, and memory. "The way I look at it is, it makes your body more aware of what it needs to get back to balance," added Devin.
What's special about Robyn is that it utilizes the entire hemp plant and contains cannabinoids such as CBD, CBG (cannabigerol), and CBC (cannabichromine). MCT oil (refined coconut oil) is added to the mixture to act as a fat-soluble carrier that increases and accelerates the absorption of the oil. My conversation with Devin left me feeling a lot more confident about trying CBD optimistic about obtaining balance in the mind and body. This is my experience as a first-time CBD user.
My Overall Quality of Sleep Improved
The first time I took Robyn was after a 19-hour day that consisted of working out, training clients, and writing all day. I was exhausted, to say the least, and figured this would be the perfect opportunity to see Robyn in action. I took one full dropper (this is the recommended dosage for restorative sleep and after strenuous activity) and was pleasantly surprised with the earthy flavor that reminded me of a subtle combination of wheatgrass and fish oil. The next morning I woke up feeling surprisingly refreshed. It was the first time in more than three months that I had slept through the entire night (yes, I wake up just as often as newborn babies). Even on the days when I supplemented with Robyn for other reasons, I noticed that my sleep improved as well.
I Felt Less Sore
My workouts tend to be intense - I love to sprint, lift weights, and on occasion run half-marathons. And if I'm being completely honest, my recovery game, both mentally and physically, has been slacking. I took a full dropper after a day of strength training and doing a 5K race, and I'm pretty sure I heard my muscles rejoicing. I was expecting to feel like I got hit by a truck, but instead my muscles felt like they had received a five-star massage. There was no aching when I bent down to tie my shoes and I was able to get through a workout without feeling sore from the day before. I've continued to use Robyn after workouts that require more intensity, and I've noticed an improvement in my performance across the board.
It Helped Me Focus
In my conversation with Devin, he mentioned that supplementing with CBD oil could even help with focus. My brain is constantly operating on overload, and I have days where I can't focus on anything except for all my thoughts, incomplete tasks, and ending up alone. I decided to take half a dropper 30 minutes before heading into work to see what would happen. In my opinion, I had a very productive day at work, but the self-fulfilling prophecy could also have played a role in that. To be completely honest, I was struggling with writing this post as my thoughts were all over the place; I pulled the oil out of my bag, and boom - I was able to get past my word vomit.
Although my initial experiment is over, I've continued to supplement with this particular brand of CBD oil, and I really enjoy it. While I don't take it religiously, I know that whenever I'm feeling stressed or just need a better night's sleep, I'll be able to find balance.
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