lundi 24 septembre 2018

Jennifer Garner Reading a Book to Kids Will Make You Realize You Have Been Phoning It in This Whole Time

Jennifer Garner could read the phone book, and she'd have a captive audience, so when she was tasked with reading a Pete the Cat book called, I Love My White Shoes, you better believe she had the audience's full and undivided attention.

The actress - who has also happened to adorably recite the Go the Fuck to Sleep book - visited a rural elementary school in Grays Harbor County, WA, with the Save the Children organization, and while there, she read a children's book better than anyone has read a children's book for all of time.

She not only recited Pete the Cat's exploits with his ever-changing shoes, but she bounced, shimmied, bopped, and stomped alongside every word. Just the way she said that Pete the Cat was "grooooovy" was all too much for the captivated kids and the 500,000 people viewing the Instagram video.

"I leave these visits inspired and fired up to do more," she said of the school tour. Yes, please, Jen!

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