mardi 25 septembre 2018
Millennial Moms Dished About Their Bedroom Habits, and We're VERY Intrigued

Wondering about the ins and outs of other couples' lives is pretty much human nature. And if you're one of those individuals who swears up and down that you've never once thought about what other people's sex lives are like, we're inclined to think you're a teensy bit of a fibber.
After the team at the mom-connecting company Peanut noticed that the app's trending topics were mostly sex-related, the brand did a little research by asking 1,000 millennial mothers between the ages of 22 and 37 some especially intimate questions. From how often parents have sex after having kids to the reason they do it in the first place, we got all the answers. Scroll through to get a look at some of the numbers and gauge where you fit in.
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