mardi 18 septembre 2018
Photographer Captures Mom Who Gave Birth to Her Baby in the Car From the Back Seat

Jennifer of J Benker Photography and Birth Services takes her jobs as a doula and birth photographer seriously, which is why after she helped one of her clients give birth in the front seat of her car on the way to the hospital, she was ready to pick up her camera to capture the moment. The mom and her baby girl were the talk of Good Samaritan Medical Center in Colorado, as when they arrived at the hospital their baby girl was all ready to greet the doctors and nurses who thought they'd have to deliver her. But even though this story sounds like a true whirlwind, Jennifer says this actually isn't the first time the mom of three was in full-on labor in the car.
"She is a fast birther, we know this. I nearly delivered her last baby! So this time we thought we were more prepared to get to the hospital sooner," Jennifer told POPSUGAR. "She has two other kids and while I knew we needed to leave, Grandpa hadn't shown up [to take care of the older two kids] yet. Mama is so calm and takes on labor very well, so it is hard to know how far along she is. However, it was clearly time we got her to the hospital so she didn't have a repeat of her last birth - [her baby] was nearly born in the car! Luckily we made it in the hospital for that one, but barely."
While watching the mom go through a contraction, Jennifer could tell that she was somewhat pushing when her water suddenly broke. She knew that the mom and her husband needed to get to the hospital, so she offered to take care of the kids so they could get there as fast as possible - then Grandpa showed up! And thank goodness, because had Jennifer not been in the back seat of the car, she wouldn't have been able to capture such a raw, beautiful moment between mom and her new baby girl.
"As we got off the exit for the hospital, it happened. Baby's head was born!" she said. "I reassured Mom and Dad all was fine and encouraged Dad to keep driving. I helped Mom deliver the baby with the next contraction, and their sweet girl cried right away! I knew all was going to be fine as we rolled up to the hospital entrance. I picked up my camera once I knew baby was fine! I wish I had done it sooner, but the doula in me knew Mama needed my help first, pictures second. I was so happy I could document the moment for them! A very cool birth story for them!"
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