vendredi 21 septembre 2018
Quietly Melt Fat With This 21-Minute Full-Body Dorm Room Workout

Late-night pizza delivery, snacking during all-nighters, all-you-can-eat dining halls, having the freedom to eat whatever you want (ice cream for breakfast, lunch, and dinner!), and drinking (if of age) are all reasons that college can cause weight gain. If you can stay active, it'll help burn some extra calories, build muscle, and release tension.
If getting to a gym isn't possible, you can still get in a heart-pumping, calorie-crushing workout in your dorm room. Here's a workout that requires zero equipment and won't make a lot of noise (in case your roomie is sleeping).
The Workout
Equipment needed: none
Directions: Complete each of the 12 moves for 30 seconds each (six minutes total), then take a one-minute break. Repeat two more times and you'll be done in 21 minutes. Do take some time to cooldown with a few stretches, after all they are quiet, too.
Air squats
Alternating lunges
Lateral hops
Air squats
Plank jacks
Alternating lunges
Up down plank
Lateral hops
Forearm plank hip dips
Keep reading for details on how to do each move.
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