lundi 24 septembre 2018

This Minimalist Store Is a College Student's Dream

School is in full swing, and jelly pens and spiral notebooks are flying off the shelves in the dozens. However, heading back to college is an entirely different beast than grade school. Not only do you need writing utensils, you need like actual, real eating utensils. Interior decorating a space that is 1) tiny 2) not yours for longer than eight months, and 3) ugly is a real challenge. Sure, you could hang up fairy lights and Polaroids of your friends and call it a day, but not everyone wants their room to look like it was pulled out of a John Green movie set.

Enter MUJI. This minimalist store is full of the basics every dorm dweller needs without sacrificing quality for price. From stackable storage units and a stapler to a colander, this Japanese company has mastered the clean, simple, utilitarian vibe that will make your space look organized no matter how much of a mess your life may be.

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