jeudi 6 septembre 2018
What It's Like to Be Married to Someone With Anxiety
"Can you deal with me?" It's been more than 14 years since my husband said those words to me when we first started dating. I now know he was talking about his anxiety. I fell in love with his warm, caring, funny, and joyful personality, but having anxiety can make him the complete opposite. Without any warning at all, he can go from happy and easygoing to irritable, cranky, and mean, complaining and nitpicking things I do or don't do, and can be quick to get annoyed or angry. It can be absolutely unbearable, and to be completely transparent, there were times when I didn't think our marriage would survive it.
Psychologist Amy Vigliotti, PhD, founder of SelfWorks, told POPSUGAR that "anxiety is a physical and emotional state of being on edge," and I'm learning what that means and how it affects his life, and, subsequently, the lives of my family and me. Just recently, he's opened up more about how he feels, how debilitating having anxiety can be mentally and physically, what triggers his symptoms, and how I can help prevent them.
Anxiety affects people differently, but for my husband, here's what I found helps. This is difficult to share and talk about, but I'm doing it in the hopes that it can ease someone else's worries and struggles in loving someone with anxiety.
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