samedi 27 octobre 2018

Every Parent Can Relate to La La Anthony's Text Exchange With Her Son About School Pickup

There comes a moment in every parent's life when they need to take a deep breath and accept the fact that their baby is growing up! For La La Anthony, it came after a gut-punch of a text exchange with her 11-year-old son about school pickup. Yep, that time of the day when parents pester their kids and ask how their day went immediately upon seeing them. As a former child, I can confirm that the questions are a major buzz kill to anyone trying to climb the coveted social hierarchy that is middle school.

La La recently shared a conversation with her son Kiyan, in which he asked her to wait outside "cause only 5th grade parents wait inside," and it's something every parent can relate to.

"A conversation this morning with Kiyan (who is in the 6th grade) when I told him I'm picking him up from school. It's the actual moment you realize you aren't as cool as you thought (he doesn't even want me inside) did I miss something?," she wrote alongside the conversation above. Aw! No, mama, you definitely didn't miss anything, your little boy is just growing up. Can we also point out how adorably Kiyan asked his mom? La La and NBA player Carmelo Anthony's son has some great manners.

Fellow parents on Instagram chimed in on La La's comments with their own similar experiences, and it's safe to say everyone has been there. "Oh he's just getting warmed up. My baby girl (who's in the 7th grade) ask me to wait for her at the ice cream parlor, which is like 5 blocks from her school," one mom wrote. Another added, "I couldn't even get kisses in the car after 5th. It seem to be coming back slowly at 8th. It's ok! He still loves you!!" So sweet! Read on to see La La's text exchange with her son and some sweet photos of Kiyan with his mom and dad.

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