samedi 23 février 2019
The Staff at a Pediatrician's Office Wore Cheeky Pro-Vaccine Shirts, and We Are SO on Board

The staff at Legacy Pediatrics in Rochester, NY, is making its stance on vaccines known after a recent measles outbreak has been threatening the area. Recently, the healthcare provider shared a photo on Facebook showing its entire staff clad in Vaccines Cause Adults T-Shirts ($12). Legacy Pediatrics captioned the photo, "Vaccines. Save. Lives." - and there's absolutely no arguing with that statement.
Dr. Janet Casey, the owner of Legacy Pediatrics, told ABC 13 WHAM that spreading vaccine awareness is important. "Kids are getting sick from vaccine-preventable illnesses, which shouldn't happen in 2019," she said. "One of the things that are so important for pediatricians and other healthcare givers is to get out there and make it as loud a message as possible that vaccines save lives."
Legacy Pediatrics placed the shirt order with Once Crazy Dog T-Shirts, but once the company realized what Legacy Pediatrics' plans were, the brand printed the t-shirts for free. And ever since posting the photo to social media, the office has gotten some serious attention, both good and bad.
"The whole staff wore the shirts and they were incredibly popular," said Crazy Dog T-Shirts owner Bill Kingston. "Dr. Janet Casey called me and told me everyone wants these t-shirts. They're great. We put our heads together and thought maybe this can be a voice for the people on the vaccination side."
Although Legacy Pediatrics has been receiving some less-than-pleasant feedback from anti-vaxx groups, it plans to sell the t-shirts in the office and donate the proceeds to charity. Talk about a win-win!
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