jeudi 21 février 2019

The "Your Arms Look Amazing! What Have You Been Doing?" 10-Minute Workout

This CrossFit workout may not use a barbell, but that doesn't mean you won't completely fatigue your arms in just 10 minutes. It's fast-paced and intense, and it uses a variety of equipment to keep things fun. It's the perfect workout to do when you're short on time.

10-Minute CrossFit Arm Workout

Equipment needed: soft medicine ball (eight to 20 pounds), rings (or a TRX or a sturdy table), a slam ball (20 to 40 pounds), and a set of medium-weight dumbbells

Directions: After warming up for five minutes with some light cardio and dynamic stretching, set the timer for 10 minutes and complete as many rounds as possible (AMRAP) of the five exercises ahead. Jade Jenny, CrossFit coach and owner of Champlain Valley CrossFit, says to push yourself hard, getting in as many quality reps as you can! After your workout is over, cool down with this six-move arm-stretching routine.

Exercises Number of reps
Wall balls 10
Ring rows 10
Ball slams 10
Dumbbell chest press 10
Plank with dumbbell row 10 (5 per side)

Keep reading for details on how to do each move.

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