mardi 5 février 2019
Urban Outfitters Sells Emoji-Shaped Vibrators, and of COURSE There's an Eggplant One

ICYMI, Urban Outfitters is a freakin' treasure trove of admittedly random yet oh-so-unique gifts and knick-knacks. Case in point: we just discovered that the popular retailer is selling emoji-inspired vibrators - and yep, they're just as discreet and playful as you'd imagine. The colorful sex toys hail from a company aptly known as Emojibator, which empowers females to close the "climax gap," seeing as women reportedly have a whopping 30 percent fewer orgasms than men do. Now that's a mission we can totally get behind!
There are five different Emojibator devices available on, including a chili pepper-shaped toy that'll make you sweat just as much as a real one, and an eggplant-shaped vibrator because, well, obviously. Not so surprisingly, a few of the options are on back order, seeing as they've been a hit among customers. Shop them all below if you need a cheeky Valentine's Day gift for one of your gal pals (or yourself!).
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