dimanche 17 février 2019

Whether You Belong to Gryffindor or House Targaryen, You'll Love This Bookish Wedding

If you dream of flying around the Quidditch pitch with Harry and Ron, or imagine traversing through the Seven Kingdoms, this bookish wedding will keep your attention until the very last page. Charlotte and Arthur made sure to highlight each of the fandoms they love during their North Carolina nuptials, and photographer Audrey Priel shared some behind-the-scenes details from their special day.

Audrey was blown away as soon as she met up with Charlotte and her bridesmaids on April 1, at the Marriott City Center in Downtown Raleigh. "Charlotte and her girls were already dressed to the nines and her DRESS was just absolutely breathtaking. A beautiful, flowy silvery gray color, that hugged her curves in just the right spot, had the perfect amount of princess pouff, and with a gorgeously matched shawl, she was inspiring to look at," Audrey said.

"With everyone in good spirits, we laughed and took pictures of details, including her homemade bridesmaid necklaces, her Harry Potter-inspired Head Girl pin, and her Matron of Honor's Game of Thrones-inspired Hand of the Queen pin (and yes, the Best Man had a Hand of the King pin as well). Their beautiful golden flowers were adorned with feathers and matched all of the glittery awesomeness!"

Charlotte and Arthur's ceremony and reception were held at the Bridge Club, complete with high ceilings, stunning windows, and tasty food. Throughout the celebration, guests were treated to pop culture references from The Office, Doctor Who, Star Wars, and The Lord of the Rings, in addition to Game of Thrones and Harry Potter. The festivities finished off with a murder mystery cocktail hour, video games, and of course, a fandom-friendly cake. Keep reading to see all the bookish details ahead!

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