lundi 18 mars 2019

11 Scenes From the New Avengers: Endgame Trailer That Are More Important Than You Think

Marvel Studios refuses to lift its foot off our necks, but I for one am not mad about it at all. A new trailer for the highly anticipated Avengers: Endgame dropped on Thursday morning, and it is chock-full of so many hints and teases that we don't know which way is up!

Not only do we see that Tony and Nebula make it off their space-stranded ship to meet up with the Avengers, but we also get a glimpse of Carol Danvers! Yes, Captain Marvel herself appears in the brand-new trailer, picking up where the Captain Marvel midcredits scene left off.

Of course, we can't let this trailer go without trying to make sense of it all - we still have no real idea of what is going to happen in Endgame, but every little detail adds to our ever-growing pot of theories. Keep reading as we dive into this latest trailer and what exactly we think may be going down in the MCU.

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