vendredi 1 mars 2019

Aldi Is Releasing Green Cheeses For St. Patrick's Day, and TBH, They Sound SO Good

No, your eyes aren't deceiving you. That's really green gouda on your screen right now. In celebration of St. Patrick's Day, Aldi has released a line of limited-edition cheeses to get customers in the Irish spirit - and a few of them are green and infused with alcohol! Aldi's new assortment of cheeses includes green pesto gouda, green sage derby, aged Irish cheddar, Irish cheddar with Irish beer, and Irish cheddar with Irish whiskey. Each mouth-watering flavor costs $3.99 and is designed to be paired with a pint of beer or glass of whiskey - green or otherwise. Keep reading to see more photos of the cheesy holiday treats, and be sure to pop into your nearest Aldi store for a close-up look at that tempting green gouda.

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