jeudi 14 mars 2019

I Lost 20 Pounds in 3 Months by Combining These Popular At-Home Programs

I'm not sure how it happened. OK, maybe I do know. After a year of eating (and drinking) more calories than I should, my usually slight frame was only 10 pounds lighter than it had been when I was nine months pregnant with my now 3-year-old son. To be clear, I gained 40 pounds during my pregnancy, so three months ago when I climbed onto the scale and saw that my food baby weighed almost as much, I knew I needed to do something.

So, like millions of women before me, I turned to WW to help manage my eating. Later, I started doing the BBG fitness program, which consists of three 28-minute resistance training sessions and three to four cardio sessions per week. In three months, I lost 20 pounds, and I'm still losing weight. While I may not be at my end goal yet - after all, I'm only at week eight of the 12-week BBG program - I have found that these two programs are exactly what I needed to help me finally make fitness a priority. Here are the tips and tricks I've learned along the way and continue to use to find the healthiest version of myself.

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