dimanche 3 mars 2019

I'm a Trainer, and These Are the 20 Lower-Body Exercises You Need to Do More of in 2019

Is "get a stronger lower body" on your list of fitness goals? If so, I've got you covered. Your legs are made up of a lot of muscles, like your calves, hamstrings, glutes, and quads, and it's important to keep them strong. Whether you want to crush your current marathon PR or you just want to squat 135 pounds, you've got to have a strong lower body.

Ahead, you'll find some of my favorite exercises that will help you build muscle from your glutes to your calves. Definitely don't do all 20 exercises in a single workout; that would feel terrible. Instead, choose three to four exercises that focus on both pushing and pulling (a push would be a squat, and a pull would be a hamstring curl) to create a workout.

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