samedi 9 mars 2019

Oh? Disney's Latest Instagrammable Treat Features 5 Colorful Layers of Cotton Candy

Disney often outdoes itself with its cotton candy. In the past, the parks have offered pineapple cotton candy in the shape of the actual fruit, a Jack Skellington-inspired version for Halloween, and even candy corn cotton candy - try saying that five times fast. Now, Walt Disney World is really experimenting with the treat for its annual Flower and Garden Festival at Epcot.

Available at the Lotus House booth, the Spring Fantasy menu item features five layers of different-colored cotton candy in the shape of a flower, which is a popular, Instagram-friendly food trend in both China and Japan. It's worth noting that this particular cotton candy is pretty steep at $15. Thankfully, there are a few other cotton candy creations available at the booth for under $10. Check out the fun addition ahead!

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