mercredi 13 mars 2019
The Bachelorette: Here's Where to Follow Hannah Brown's Suitors on Social Media

Hannah Brown went from feuding beauty queen to the star of The Bachelorette. This Southern lady is looking for a man who will wholeheartedly support her love of pageants, Alabama Crimson Tide football, and her golden retriever, Roscoe. These days, you never know how a season of the ABC dating show is going to end. We've seen just about every twist and turn there is! But we hope that Hannah's closes with her getting a proposal from the love of her life. And who is that person? Well, if the journey works as it does, it will be one of these guys. Unfortunately, they set most of their social media accounts to "private" before their debut on The Bachelor, but contestants will usually reset them to "public" before or shortly after the premiere of their season. For now, here are their handles - check back in a bit to see if the feed is visible again!
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