mardi 12 mars 2019

You're Gonna Want to Double Down on This Cool New Piercing Trend

"Make it a double" used to be the phrase most often reserved for your local bartender (and preferably in regard to tequila, thanks). Now, it's on heavy rotation at the piercing parlor, especially for the tragus part of your ear.

To recap, the tragus is the little flap of cartilage near the side of your face that protects your ear canal. Getting the area pierced is nothing new - everyone from Rihanna to Lucy Hale to Scarlett Johansson (and just about every high school rebel) has tried it at one point or another - but doubling down on the look is the modern update you never knew you needed.

Check out some of our favorite double tragus piercings ahead, because don't you know everything is better in pairs?


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