lundi 20 mai 2019
9 Very Frustrating Questions I Have About the Game of Thrones Series Finale

Plenty of Game of Thrones spoilers are lurking below, FYI.
Game of Thrones is over, y'all. After eight long seasons of blood, nudity, dragon fire, ice zombies, and somehow zero elephants, HBO's fantasy epic wrapped up on Sunday night with a finale full of plot holes. Am I surprised? No! Season eight hasn't exactly been a cake walk for fans who like it when things make sense and characters don't suddenly abandon their entire personalities for the sole purpose of moving the story forward in some lazy way. (Before you ask, no, I promise I'm not the person who started that petition.) So, because this is the last time I'll ever get to do it, I'm breaking down all the things that frustrated the hell out of me while watching the Game of Thrones series finale, ahead.
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