mardi 14 mai 2019

The Sexy Tattoo Trends You'll Be Seeing Everywhere This Summer

One might argue that a shirtless Justin Bieber has very little to do with Summer beauty trends - besides that both are straight-up S-E-X-Y and should be observed with great care immediately - but when it's tattoo trends we're talking about, and from the singer's go-to artist no less, then it's a no-brainer.

To be clear, you don't need to strip down to your Calvins to fully appreciate the subsequent ink, but JonBoy, celebrity tattooist at Moxy Times Square shop in New York City, predicts you will be seeing peekaboo body placements everywhere these next few months.

"I have definitely seen a rise in popularity in women getting the side of their hips tattooed so that it can be shown off while wearing a bikini, and on the back of the neck, which draws attention when hair is styled a certain way," he said. "However, the ribcage/side boob area still reigns as the most popular spot for a tattoo. I think all of these will be more popular in Summer because they can easily be shown off, but also hidden."

Placement aside, there's one theme you'll see throughout each trend: "I believe small, minimal, fine-line tattoos are certainly here to stay." Say it with us: baby, baby, oooh.

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