vendredi 3 mai 2019

Title Boxing Club Classes Are a Real Knockout - Here's What to Know Before You Go

Ever wanted to work out like Rocky Balboa? Well, have we got the place for you. Title Boxing Club, one of the premier boxing gyms in the country, is one of the best places to hone your boxing skills and get an incredible workout. If you're ready to step up to the plate (er, bag), here's everything you need to know before taking your first class, including the price.

What Is Title Boxing Club?

Title Boxing Club is a truly authentic boxing experience. It's modeled after a legit boxer's workout to challenge every fiber of your body. With a blend of boxing, kickboxing, and MMA, this workout will strengthen your arms and core, as well as improve your overall fitness.

What's Involved in a Typical Title Boxing Club Class?

You can take a few different classes at Title Boxing Club. There are boxing classes, kickboxing classes, MMA training classes, and private training sessions. Each of these classes will give you a full-body workout. In the boxing classes, you'll focus on different punching moves with the bag, whereas in kickboxing, you'll add in more legwork. You work in rounds, just like you'd expect in boxing, and each is three minutes and guided by a trainer. In the MMA classes, you do the same work with the bag, but you'll also do more on the ground to really challenge and condition your body. Classes are offered in 30-, 45-, 60-, and 75-minute increments, so you can choose the one that's right for you.

Is There Any Special Equipment Involved in Title Boxing Club?

You obviously need boxing gloves and wraps for your classes, but you can get all of these at the gym. You'll have to pay for the equipment, but you are also more than welcome to bring your own so you don't have to use the ones there.

How Much Does Title Boxing Club Cost?

Title primarily operates on a membership basis, with the cost varying widely depending on your location and the package you choose. Like with any gym membership, you'll save money by signing up for a year-long membership or by joining with another member. You can do a Club Card, which gives you unlimited access to more than 100 Title clubs; a Club 8 membership, which lets you work out eight times a month; or Club 4, which lets you work out four times per month.

The initiation fee varies based on what membership you choose, but can run you up to $200. The monthly cost can be anywhere from $60 to $80, or a little more based on your location. In New York, if you want to take a trial class to see if you like the place before you commit, it's just $35. You can read more on Title's membership options on the website.

What Else Do I Need to Know?

If you don't have a Title Boxing Club near you or you'd just rather work out from the comfort of your home, you can stream workouts using Title Boxing Club On Demand. Pricing starts at $25 a month and gives you the freedom and flexibility to work out whenever and wherever you want.

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