samedi 15 juin 2019
I Really Want to Believe That Mamma Mia and Big Little Lies Take Place in the Same Universe

At first glance, Mamma Mia! and Big Little Lies don't have much in common. One is a movie, the other is a TV series. One is a fun, colorful musical, while the other is a dark, domestic murder mystery. One features Grecian hotel porn, and the other is all about Monterey mansion porn. But you know what both projects have? Her Royal Hollywood Highness Meryl Streep and a Skarsgard. What if - and this is gonna sound crazy - the events of both the show and the musical were taking place in the same (alternate) universe?!
As a reminder, Stellan Skarsgard plays Bill, one of Donna's potential baby daddies, in the first two Mamma Mia! films, while his real-life son Alexander Skarsgard plays the late Perry Wright in Big Little Lies. Perry also happens to be the son of Streep's character in the show, the menacing Mary Louise. So, theoretically, Donna/Mary Louise could've hooked up with Bill, giving birth to both Perry and Sophie (Amanda Seyfried)? Or would that mean Donna/Mary Louise would be hooking up with Bill/Stellan? And Perry would be . . . OK, now my brain is starting to hurt.
Alright, obviously none of that is actually happening. But it's fun to think about, right? Luckily everyone on Twitter seems to agree, so if you'll excuse me, I'm going to keep scrolling through all the wild connections until it makes sense (or I just start screaming).
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