mardi 16 juillet 2019
I'm a Sucker For This Incredibly On-Point Jonas Brothers Ab Workout Video

You know you've found a perfect workout song when it makes you actually forget that you're working out. Some songs come up on your playlist and are just so on point that you feel like you're dancing instead of, say, running, or doing bicep curls, or gasping your way to the end of an elliptical workout.
That's what's going on in this amazing ab workout video set to "Sucker," the Jonas Brothers' catchy comeback song that brought us one of the most instantly-iconic music videos of 2019. The song on its own is a great choice for your gym playlist, and there's a reason it made it on our list of the top workout songs of the year. But this ab workout takes things to the next level.
Created by YouTuber Maddie Lymburner, the video totally core-focused (yessss) with challenging moves like bicycle crunches, leg lifts, and up-down planks. Every move is perfectly synced up to the music in the most satisfying way; I mean, seriously, even her ponytail is on beat. Check out the mesmerizing video above and get ready for the song (and choreography) to get stuck in your head all week.
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