jeudi 1 août 2019
The Best Onscreen Hair Transformations That Made You Do a Double Take

It's not just some cheesy line in a rom-com or plot twist during a scary movie that can make you feel some things. In fact, with TV shows and films in particular, it's not at all uncommon for a character's drastic haircut or hair color change to elicit a strong reaction from the person on the other side of the screen. That's all part of the cinematic adventure.
Whether the hair transformation makes you want to throw your popcorn at the screen or sneak a screenshot of it on your iPhone to bring to your hairstylist, well, that's a different story. Someone who loves Jon Snow's manbun might despise Jackson Maine's messy lob. It's entirely subjective, and that's the beauty of it.
So, to help us narrow down the best onscreen hair moments, we've asked POPSUGAR editors to share their favorite transformations in cinematic history - from Girls to Grease to How to Get Away With Murder. Then, tell us more: do you agree?
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