mardi 19 mai 2020
If You Want a Plant-Based Milk That's High in Protein and Low in Carbs, Buy These 2 Brands

I can't tell you how many times I've stood in front of the plant-based milk section of the grocery store, holding two cartons side by side, comparing their nutritional information. Protein and sugar content are the top two things I zero in on, and since I tend to buy unsweetened plant-based milks, I'm left comparing protein.
I've never been big on buying almond milk - I just think it's a waste since it only offers one gram of protein per serving. I used to only buy unsweetened soy milk - until I discovered these two brands of milk that have pea protein added, which makes them higher in protein than any other milks I've seen - even cow's milk! And they both have under two grams of carbs.
These nondairy milks are easily my absolute favorites, and I never leave the store without them. They taste delicious enough on their own in a glass (with cookies!), and are versatile enough to add to recipes. Keep reading to find out their stellar nutritional information.
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