Healthy lifestyle

A healthy lifestyle is one which helps to keep and improve people's health and well-being.Many governments and non-governmental organizations have made big efforts in healthy lifestyle and health promotion.

Mental Health

Mental health can be considered a very important factor of physical health for the effects it produces on bodily functions. This type of health concerns emotional and cognitive well-being or an absence of mental disorder.

Public health

Public health can be defined in a variety of ways. It can be presented as "the study of the physical, psychosocial and socio-cultural determinants of population health and actions to improve the health of the population.

Reproductive Health

For the UN, reproductive health is a right, like other human rights. This recent concept evokes the good transmission of the genetic heritage from one generation to the next.


Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being, and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.

mardi 31 mai 2016

The 20 Most Stunning Birth Photos You've Ever Seen

They say mothers are made to forget the pain of childbirth so that they're willing to do it over again. If that's the case, then why do these birth photos cause all of those emotions - from intense pain to immense joy - to come flooding back to the surface in the most beautiful way possible?

Likely because Austin, TX-based birth photographer Leilani Rogers knows how to capture not just the moment but the profound meaning behind it.

"To capture those fleeting, remarkable moments, you have to always work in anticipation," she told POPSUGAR. "Camera ready, thinking ahead to mama's next move."

From all-natural home births to hospital deliveries, Rogers has captured amazing birth stories, whether it's a surrogate delivering twins for an expectant couple to a baby born inside its amniotic sac. Here, a collection of her finest work that is sure to leave you wishing you could go back to the day when your own birth story was in the making.

Achieve Ultimate Mermaid Status With 3 DIY Hair Coloring Tricks

I want to preface this by saying that to get the best bright colors, you actually need to have light hair. No exceptions. If you see a brunette with pastel hair, don't get it twisted - she had someone bleach her hair to achieve that look. That said, you can definitely color your hair bright hues as a brunette, but think about layering a lighter shade, like white, under a color to make it pop. It might take more work, but you can still do it.

Now that that's out of the way, MERMAID HAIR! UNICORN HAIR! RAINBOW BRIGHT HAIR! Whatever you want to call it, it's a fun, vibrant look that lets you embrace your inner artist. And although I mentioned that bleach is involved, you can try these methods on your hair if you've already lifted to a blond tone. Check out the three methods you can DIY in the video, and don't worry - these are all temporary, so they'll wash out immediately or over a few weeks. Just remember to wear gloves and something you don't mind getting dirty, and avoid wearing white if you're using chalk!

Products used:
Non-oil-based chalk from an art store
Joico Instatint
Similar spray
Manic Panic

Hair direction by hair artist Caroline Guiney.

23 Times Prince Harry Was Out-of-Control Cute With Kids

The Royal Family all enjoy spending time with children, but of them all, Prince Harry has become known for creating an instant rapport with the youngsters he meets. From babies to young teens, he has his mother's knack of instinctively knowing what is needed- whether that's a cuddle, a bit of rough and tumble, or some gentle teasing. Prince Harry's sense of fun may have gotten him in trouble in the past, but it is also the key to his special relationship with kids. We're taking a look at some of the many times he has been utterly adorable with the children he encounters.

Let These Latina Style Bloggers Inspire Your Fourth of July Outfit

There are those of us who have a go-to Fourth of July outfit - a classic $5 Old Navy tee, perhaps? And then there are those of us who use Independence Day as a mid-Summer opportunity to try fashionable takes on stars, stripes, and the colors of our nation.

No matter your preference, a little style inspiration never hurt anyone. To guide your search for the perfect patriotic ensemble this year, we unearthed some looks, courtesy of some of your favorite Latina bloggers, that totally (and subtly) do the trick. Keep scrolling to see them all, and then find your new favorite sunglasses.

This Jícama, Radish, and Cucumber Salad Is Perfect For Summer

5 Foods to Fight PMS

Did you know that how you fuel your body can affect your PMS symptoms? Fight the bloat and the moodiness by eating these five healthy foods that are likely already in your fridge or pantry.

Let These Latina Style Bloggers Inspire Your Fourth of July Outfit

There are those of us who have a go-to Fourth of July outfit - a classic $5 Old Navy tee, perhaps? And then there are those of us who use Independence Day as a mid-Summer opportunity to try fashionable takes on stars, stripes, and the colors of our nation.

No matter your preference, a little style inspiration never hurt anyone. To guide your search for the perfect patriotic ensemble this year, we unearthed some looks, courtesy of some of your favorite Latina bloggers, that totally (and subtly) do the trick. Keep scrolling to see them all, and then find your new favorite sunglasses.

This Jícama, Radish, and Cucumber Salad Is Perfect For Summer

The hazy world of vaping ads


In April, Britain's Royal College of Physicians reported that the hazards from e-cigarettes are likely less than the harms from smoking tobacco. As CBC Ad Guy Bruce Chambers points out, such findings fan the flames of marketing on both sides of the issue.

The hazy world of vaping ads


In April, Britain's Royal College of Physicians reported that the hazards from e-cigarettes are likely less than the harms from smoking tobacco. As CBC Ad Guy Bruce Chambers points out, such findings fan the flames of marketing on both sides of the issue.

5 Foods to Fight PMS

Did you know that how you fuel your body can affect your PMS symptoms? Fight the bloat and the moodiness by eating these five healthy foods that are likely already in your fridge or pantry.

The Harry Potter Cameo You Might Not Have Noticed on Game of Thrones This Week

Image Source: HBO
If you watched this week's episode of Game of Thrones, chances are Sam's brother looked awfully familiar - that's because you've seen him before. The actor's name is Freddie Stroma. While you may recognize him from Pitch Perfect or UnREAL, perhaps his most notable role is as Cormac McLaggen in the Harry Potter franchise! Of course, this isn't the first time a Harry Potter/Game of Thrones crossover has happened. In fact, there's so much overlap, we couldn't stop ourselves from sorting Game of Thrones characters into Hogwarts houses. See Stroma as you might remember him below, and keep your eyes peeled - you never know when another Harry Potter star will appear on the HBO drama.
Image Source: Warner Bros.

This Game of Thrones Theory Will Make You Worried About Dany Heading to Westeros

Image Source: HBO

If Game of Thrones fans can agree on anything, it's that Daenerys Targaryen kicks ass. The Mother of Dragons (amongst many other names) is a phenomenal conqueror of regions, but a new theory states that her ability to win over kingdoms might spell trouble for Westeros - here's why.

Dany gives an incredible speech at the end of "Blood of My Blood," telling her khalasar that each and every one of them are her Blood Riders, and that together they will take charge of the Seven Kingdoms. It's exactly what we've been waiting to hear from her for the past six seasons, and she finally has the army to back up her plans. In the "Inside the Episode" after season six, executive producer David Benioff confirms that Dany's pursuit of Westeros is "something that's been set up for quite some time, and now we're seeing it come to pass." Start watching at 3:25:

So our khaleesi is finally going to do this thing! She'll bring peace to Westeros and end slavery forever! What could go wrong? Well, nearly two years ago, Reddit user CongressmanX proposed a frightening theory: Dany could follow in the steps of her father, the Mad King.

"The more I read the books, the more I am convinced she is turning crazy like daddy. I am noticing that she is objectively written like those completely crazed out and murderous Targaryens of old. Yet George managed to write her in a way where people think she is the hero. This was a neat trick. One of the most evil characters presented doing lots of murdering and other cruel shit yet he managed to make people (especially show only) love her and consider her a savior."

Oh . . . no. While CongressmanX is referring to the A Song of Ice and Fire series, the sentiment holds true for the TV show as well. Dany has created a lot of collateral damage on her way to the throne, and she does have crazy blood in her veins. Just a few episodes ago, she burns a ton of khals alive. Sure, they're threatening to rape her, but that behavior is also pretty normal in their culture. (I cringed writing that, but it's true.) Now, she's about to come charging into Westeros with a huge group of bloodthirsty Dothraki soldiers. While it might mean Dany has a good chance to fend of the White Walkers when Winter finally comes, it definitely spells trouble for the Lannisters, Starks, and basically everyone whose name isn't Targaryen.

So, is Dany, our khaleesi, our Breaker of Chains, our Queen of the Andals and the First Men, actually the villain of Game of Thrones? While the idea is almost too much to bear, it does make sense.

All the Gory Details Regarding Benjen Stark's Shocking Reappearance on Game of Thrones

Spoilers for the most recent episode of Game of Thrones are below!

If you're having trouble remembering who Benjen Stark is, you're not the only one. He mysteriously disappeared from Game of Thrones a long time ago, and now, we finally know why. For years, fans of the books have speculated that the character known as Coldhands has actually been Benjen all along, and although Game of Thrones author George R. R. Martin adamantly denied that he'd be taking that route, the show seems to be doing just that. In season six's sixth episode, "Blood of My Blood," Benjen and Coldhands appear to be one and the same, and it's clear his role in Bran's new life as the Three-Eyed Raven will be an important one.

At the beginning of the episode, Bran and Meera have nearly given up hope of escaping the horde of wights hot on their trail when a hooded man arrives on horseback to save the day. After he takes out the icy members of the undead with some fire, he reveals to Bran that he's actually his long-lost Uncle Benjen. When Bran questions the former First Ranger of the Night's Watch about his whereabouts all these years, Benjen explains that on a range north of the Wall, he and two other members of the Night's Watch were attacked and killed by wights. Benjen was stabbed through the stomach with a sword made of ice, and while the other men died (their bodies were found by the Night's Watch and brought back to Castle Black, where they rose as wights), a few Children of the Forest - those green, sprite-like creatures who live in the cave with the Three-Eyed Raven - came upon him and stopped the wights' magic before it could reach Benjen's heart by stabbing him with dragonglass.

The Children of the Forest are the ones responsible for creating the first White Walker, which they did by plunging a piece of dragonglass into a human man's heart. It seems doing the same to Benjen, who was near death at the time, left him in a state of not quite alive, not quite dead. His skin is mottled and gray, but he lacks the bright blue eyes that are a trademark of wights and White Walkers. In A Storm of Swords, Bran asks Benjen about his appearance directly:

"'Who are you? Why are your hands black?'

The ranger studied his hands as if he had never noticed them before. 'Once the heart has ceased to beat, a man's blood runs down into his extremities, where it thickens and congeals.' His voice rattled in his throat, as thin and gaunt as he was. 'His hands and feet swell up and turn as black as pudding. The rest of him becomes as white as milk.'

'He's dead.' Bran could taste the bile in his throat. 'Meera, he's some dead thing.'"

Despite Bran's clear trepidation about trusting someone who isn't, well, human, Benjen/Coldhands had a connection with the original Three-Eyed Raven, and will no doubt be the one to guide an inexperienced Bran through all of the hurdles he'll face in the coming episodes.

20-Minute, No-Running Cardio Blast

There are no excuses for skipping this workout; it's only 20 minutes, and it requires no equipment, so no matter where you are, you can fit in a sweat session. Quick and effective, this workout is all cardio with no running required. Yep, you can do it in your living room. So learn the moves below, and get at it.

Directions: Perform each exercise for a minute (or as many reps of each exercise as you can in the 60 seconds, taking breaks as needed). Beginners, aim to work for 30 seconds and rest for 30 seconds. Rest for two minutes between each 10-minute set. Cool down with three to five minutes of stretching.

Here are details on each move:

March With Arm Circle

  • March in place, bringing knee to the height of your hip, while circling your arms backward for 30 seconds and then forward for the remaining time to warm up your shoulders.

Jumping Jack

  • Jump off the balls of your feet as you perform this classic exercise.
  • To modify, step the legs wide and then step them together instead of jumping.

High-Knee Run

  • With elbows bent to sides and hands parallel to the floor, run in place, bringing your knees high so that they touch your hands.

Long Jump and Shuffle Back

  • Start in a squat with arms low and slightly behind you, and take a large jump forward landing softly into a deep squat.
  • Shuffle backward, taking five to eight small steps until you are back where you started.

Butt-Kicker Run

  • Run in place, bringing your heel to your butt to work your hamstring a bit.
  • Pump your arms to keep your upper body moving and your heart rate up.


  • Jump straight up with your hands behind your head.
  • Land in a deep squat, bringing your hands to the floor.
  • Jump your feet into a plank.
  • Jump your feet back toward your hands, and repeat cycle by jumping up.


  • Cross your arms in front of you (rather than overhead) as you bring your feet together in this variation on the classic jack.

Lunge Skip

  • Come into a lunge with your right leg back. Swing your right leg forward to hop up on your left foot, and land softly back in a lunge.
  • Repeat for 30 seconds, and then switch sides.

Mountain Climber

  • Holding the plank position, drive one knee at a time toward your chest like you are running in place.
  • Focus on your abs in this exercise, and do not let your pelvis drift toward the ceiling.

Side Skater

  • Starting with the weight on your right leg, leap sideways to the left, landing softly with a deep bend in your left knee.
  • Reverse directions, jumping onto your right leg.

Here's What You Need to Know About FODMAPs: The Acronym of Digestive Woes

If you've got an irritable digestive tract, FODMAPs are definitely something you want to avoid. Put simply, they're the type of carbohydrate that can cause bloating and gas - or even worse symptoms. Let's take a look.

What Are FODMAPs?

FODMAP is an acronym to spell out Fermentable Oligosaccharides, Disaccharides, Monosaccharides, And Polyols. The term in itself is almost like a mnemonic device to help you remember what NOT to eat.

Specifically, FODMAPs are fructose, lactose, fructans, galactans, and polyols. Those broad categories cover a lot of different foods.

FODMAPs can trigger symptoms of IBS. Fermentation can cause gas, and their osmotic properties (water attracting) can alter how quickly the bowels move. What does that mean? Gassiness and bloating, distention, abdominal pain, and/or constipation and diarrhea. In other words, zero fun for your tummy.

Which Foods Have FODMAPs?

Unfortunately, FODMAPs are found in many fruits, vegetables, wheat and rye products, dairy, processed meats, and sweeteners. Some examples of high-FODMAP foods are:

  • Apples
  • Mangoes
  • Pears
  • Watermelons
  • Avocados
  • Peaches
  • Plums
  • Cherries
  • Prunes
  • Artichokes
  • Asparagus
  • Beets
  • Brussels Sprouts
  • Cabbage
  • Garlic
  • Cauliflower
  • Bread
  • Pasta
  • Honey
  • Milk
  • Ricotta Cheese

Since it can be a challenge (if not impossible) to remember everything you can't eat on a low-FODMAP diet, there are charts online. You can read this comprehensive list of what to avoid on a low-FODMAP diet to better navigate the dos and don'ts.

Is a Low-FODMAP Diet Right For You?

If you've been suffering from digestive issues or have been diagnosed with IBS, it might be time to look into a low-FODMAP diet. Does everything you eat seem to make your stomach inflate? Try eliminating these foods for a few weeks, and see how you feel (but as always, check in with your doctor!). 

That being said, if you haven't dealt with any digestion issues, this is not the diet for you. The low-FODMAP diet is helpful for those who need it, but it eliminates truly nutritious foods that are part of a healthy, balanced diet. 

Related: Try This 1-Day Macro Diet Plan For Weight Loss

10 Refreshing Rum Cocktails That Deserve to Be Your Drink of Choice

If you're a fan of the deliciously sweet taste of rum, chances are you love when it's combined with other complementary flavors - citrus and mint, perhaps? And as the weather heats up, a cool and refreshing cocktail is the perfect beverage. Whether you like them frozen or on the rocks, we've compiled a list of rum-filled drinks you'll want to whip up all Summer long. Keep scrolling to discover them all, and then take a scroll through some equally as satisfying sangria recipes.

If You Try to Figure Out the Mistake in This Math Problem, It'll Make You Go Crazy

Not all math problems are meant to be solved - some are here just to watch the world burn and make people question everything they ever learned in school. And while some problems have different solutions, others have answers that don't deal with numbers at all, like a recent Facebook post asking people to find a math mistake.

The photo, shared by Facebook user Antley Lamont Staten, shows a photo of a man holding up two sheets of paper. One paper has the numbers 1-9 written on it. The other paper asks people to share when you find the mistake. Try to solve it for yourself below:

Did you groan? Or are you trying to figure out what the issue is with the numbers? The answer is on the paper to the left - the man spelled "mistake" wrong. The post has clearly struck a nerve, considering it has more than 59,000 reactions, 300,000 shares, and plenty more comments.

Sometimes the answer really is simple and requires no math at all.

13 Medical Hacks For Dr. Mom

We love our little ones, but we hate when they are sick. After all, no mother likes to see her child in pain and will do just about anything to make it go away. While each mom has her own tried-and-true methods for handling the inevitable bumps, bruises, and illnesses that kids encounter, there are some tricks that work better than others. From easing an ear infection to tending to a scrape, here are some of our favorite medical hacks for moms.

Queen Elizabeth II's Royal Job Description and the Duties Being Passed On to Her Family Members

Queen Elizabeth II's full title is monarch of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, Head of the Commonwealth, Defender of the Faith and Supreme Governor of the The Church of England, and Head of The Armed Forces - but what does she actually do day to day? And as the most recent addition to the royal family, what is the Duchess of Cambridge's job description? Now that the queen has recently marked her 90th birthday, will other members of her family be taking over any of her duties - and more specifically, will any of her workload be passed on to Kate? We break it all down here!

The 37 Hottest Shirtless Moments of 2016 - So Far!

With Summer right around the corner and temperatures rising, stars are enjoying the warm weather by going shirtless and showing off their buff bodies. Whether they're hitting the beach like Kit Harington and Neil Patrick Harris, on the set of their films like Dwayne Johnson and Zac Efron, or just snapping a selfie on Instagram, celebrities have wasted no time flaunting their six-pack abs and bulging biceps. Brace yourself, because we've rounded up the hottest shirtless moments of the year - so far, and things are about to get steamy!

22 Resort '17 Runway Looks That Define the Collections They Came From

Karl Lagerfeld debuted his Chanel Cruise Collection in Cuba while Nicolas Ghesquière hightailed it to Rio to show Louis Vuitton. The Dior models were led by Bella Hadid in London, but while the Resort runways are scattered all over the map, they've got one thing in common: casual elegance.

Colorful dresses are being worn over pants (the wide-leg silhouette is still in, lest you expected a return to skinnies), and feminine details like silk scarves, ruffles, and frills are challenged by fierce cutouts and chunky boots. The looks here not only define the fashion houses they come from, but they're also hit-the-street cool and as flashy as you'd expect from the designers who continue to churn out It pieces - every Spring, Fall, and season in between.

Cookie Cups Inspired by Dominique Ansel's Cookie Shots

Mark Your Calendars For the Launch of the Grav3yardgirl x Tarte Collection

21 Times We Were Bowled Over by the Beauty of Sonam Kapoor

Year after year, we've been mesmerized by the beauty choices at Cannes Film Festival of one woman in particular: Sonam Kapoor, the daughter of legendary actor Anil Kapoor is a star in her own right. The Bollywood actress made her acting debut in 2007, but has since appeared in 13 films and several music videos, winning numerous awards for her work.

Not only is she a celebrated performer, but Sonam is an absolute beauty icon. She is one of the Indian celebrity ambassadors for L'Oréal Paris (along with Aishwarya Rai) and is also a spokeswoman for Colgate. But she's truly earned these gigs - she has serious beauty chops. We've seen Sonam experiment with everything from fishtail braids to retro cat eyes.

Brace yourself for some serious inspiration! We've rounded up some of Sonam's most stunning hair and makeup moments to motivate your next look. And if you become as obsessed with her as we did, download her app! She shares behind-the-scenes peeks at her glamorous life, including beauty tips.

10 Refreshing Rum Cocktails That Deserve to Be Your Drink of Choice

If you're a fan of the deliciously sweet taste of rum, chances are you love when it's combined with other complementary flavors - citrus and mint, perhaps? And as the weather heats up, a cool and refreshing cocktail is the perfect beverage. Whether you like them frozen or on the rocks, we've compiled a list of rum-filled drinks you'll want to whip up all Summer long. Keep scrolling to discover them all, and then take a scroll through some equally as satisfying sangria recipes.

20-Minute, No-Running Cardio Blast

There are no excuses for skipping this workout; it's only 20 minutes, and it requires no equipment, so no matter where you are, you can fit in a sweat session. Quick and effective, this workout is all cardio with no running required. Yep, you can do it in your living room. So learn the moves below, and get at it.

Directions: Perform each exercise for a minute (or as many reps of each exercise as you can in the 60 seconds, taking breaks as needed). Beginners, aim to work for 30 seconds and rest for 30 seconds. Rest for two minutes between each 10-minute set. Cool down with three to five minutes of stretching.

Here are details on each move:

March With Arm Circle

  • March in place, bringing knee to the height of your hip, while circling your arms backward for 30 seconds and then forward for the remaining time to warm up your shoulders.

Jumping Jack

  • Jump off the balls of your feet as you perform this classic exercise.
  • To modify, step the legs wide and then step them together instead of jumping.

High-Knee Run

  • With elbows bent to sides and hands parallel to the floor, run in place, bringing your knees high so that they touch your hands.

Long Jump and Shuffle Back

  • Start in a squat with arms low and slightly behind you, and take a large jump forward landing softly into a deep squat.
  • Shuffle backward, taking five to eight small steps until you are back where you started.

Butt-Kicker Run

  • Run in place, bringing your heel to your butt to work your hamstring a bit.
  • Pump your arms to keep your upper body moving and your heart rate up.


  • Jump straight up with your hands behind your head.
  • Land in a deep squat, bringing your hands to the floor.
  • Jump your feet into a plank.
  • Jump your feet back toward your hands, and repeat cycle by jumping up.


  • Cross your arms in front of you (rather than overhead) as you bring your feet together in this variation on the classic jack.

Lunge Skip

  • Come into a lunge with your right leg back. Swing your right leg forward to hop up on your left foot, and land softly back in a lunge.
  • Repeat for 30 seconds, and then switch sides.

Mountain Climber

  • Holding the plank position, drive one knee at a time toward your chest like you are running in place.
  • Focus on your abs in this exercise, and do not let your pelvis drift toward the ceiling.

Side Skater

  • Starting with the weight on your right leg, leap sideways to the left, landing softly with a deep bend in your left knee.
  • Reverse directions, jumping onto your right leg.

Here's What You Need to Know About FODMAPs: The Acronym of Digestive Woes

If you've got an irritable digestive tract, FODMAPs are definitely something you want to avoid. Put simply, they're the type of carbohydrate that can cause bloating and gas - or even worse symptoms. Let's take a look.

What Are FODMAPs?

FODMAP is an acronym to spell out Fermentable Oligosaccharides, Disaccharides, Monosaccharides, And Polyols. The term in itself is almost like a mnemonic device to help you remember what NOT to eat.

Specifically, FODMAPs are fructose, lactose, fructans, galactans, and polyols. Those broad categories cover a lot of different foods.

FODMAPs can trigger symptoms of IBS. Fermentation can cause gas, and their osmotic properties (water attracting) can alter how quickly the bowels move. What does that mean? Gassiness and bloating, distention, abdominal pain, and/or constipation and diarrhea. In other words, zero fun for your tummy.

Which Foods Have FODMAPs?

Unfortunately, FODMAPs are found in many fruits, vegetables, wheat and rye products, dairy, processed meats, and sweeteners. Some examples of high-FODMAP foods are:

  • Apples
  • Mangoes
  • Pears
  • Watermelons
  • Avocados
  • Peaches
  • Plums
  • Cherries
  • Prunes
  • Artichokes
  • Asparagus
  • Beets
  • Brussels Sprouts
  • Cabbage
  • Garlic
  • Cauliflower
  • Bread
  • Pasta
  • Honey
  • Milk
  • Ricotta Cheese

Since it can be a challenge (if not impossible) to remember everything you can't eat on a low-FODMAP diet, there are charts online. You can read this comprehensive list of what to avoid on a low-FODMAP diet to better navigate the dos and don'ts.

Is a Low-FODMAP Diet Right For You?

If you've been suffering from digestive issues or have been diagnosed with IBS, it might be time to look into a low-FODMAP diet. Does everything you eat seem to make your stomach inflate? Try eliminating these foods for a few weeks, and see how you feel (but as always, check in with your doctor!). 

That being said, if you haven't dealt with any digestion issues, this is not the diet for you. The low-FODMAP diet is helpful for those who need it, but it eliminates truly nutritious foods that are part of a healthy, balanced diet. 

Related: Try This 1-Day Macro Diet Plan For Weight Loss

Game of Thrones: Bran's Vision May Have Revealed Something MAJOR About Daenerys's Dad

The internet lost its collective mind on Sunday when Bran had yet another time-traveling vision - this time featuring the "Mad King" we've heard so much about over the past six seasons. The stressful cacophony of jumbled-together flashbacks swapped between various events in Westeros's history, including Ned Stark's beheading and the Red Wedding, revealing a whole lot of information in a very short amount of time. But it seems that the order of these visions was intentional; there was a connection so quick that you might have missed it, but it contained a potentially huge revelation about the entire Game of Thrones plot.

Daenerys Targaryen's dad, the Mad King Aerys, is shown screaming his famous line, "Burn them all," from his seat on the Iron Throne. This might not stand out as unusual, except that in Bran's vision, the Aerys flashback is continually sandwiched smack-dab between cuts of White Walkers and King's Landing pyromancers preparing stocks of Wildfire. This fits with our knowledge of the slain king's story, of course, which Jaime Lannister describes to Brienne of Tarth during their famous bath:

"Aerys saw traitors everywhere, so he had his pyromancer place caches of Wildfire all over the city. Beneath the Sept of Baelor and the slums of Flea Bottom. Under houses, stables, taverns, even beneath the Red Keep itself . . .
Then he turned to his pyromancer. 'Burn them all,' he said. 'Burn them in their homes. Burn them in their beds.' . . .
First, I killed the pyromancer, and then, when the king turned to flee, I drove my sword into his back. 'Burn them all,' he kept saying. 'Burn them all.' I don't think he expected to die. He meant to burn with the rest of us and rise again, reborn as a dragon, to turn his enemies to ash. I slit his throat to make sure that didn't happen. That's where Ned Stark found me."

Jaime's account of the Mad King's actions certainly holds true based on Bran's flashbacks - but what if the reasoning behind them was misinterpreted? Since it was revealed (through Hodor's tragic storyline) that Bran is able to change the visions he sees, it's been a popular fan theory that perhaps the Mad King was driven mad by "whispers" from Bran or the Three-Eyed Raven. Based on this vision's placement between White Walker invasions and Wildfire, it seems like the show is very close to confirming that the king's obsession with "burning them all" stems from a well-intentioned hint from a friendly neighborhood greenseer.

The internet agrees - many believe that this deliberate scene placement indicates something more beneath the surface.

Within a short minute of showtime, the flashback convinced a whole new group of fans to believe the theory about time-"warging" causing Aerys to descend into madness, much like Hodor was permanently damaged by hearing voices telling him to "hold the door" as a teenager.

An even more convincing aspect of the theory, though, is the belief that the Three-Eyed Raven was actually a legitimized Targaryen bastard named Brynden Rivers.

If this theory proves true and the Three-Eyed Raven's lineage is Targaryen, then he may have tried to warn his family of the dangers beyond the Wall . . . only to realize that no good can come from meddling within his visions. This would explain both the Raven's cautions to Bran during their training and the Mad King's descent into madness.

We already know that fire is one way to kill wights, so stocking up on Wildfire would probably prove effective if the White Walkers brought their undead army to King's Landing. But since King Aerys had already gone a tad crazy, it's not surprising that his screams of "burn them all" and ridiculously dangerous stockpile of magical flames were unsettling to everyone who encountered him. After all, Wildfire doesn't stop at killing wights.

We're sure to get more information about the Mad King in future episodes, but it certainly seems that the Game of Thrones writers are going the fan-theory route with his storyline. Plus, if somebody doesn't take care of the White Walker problem soon, there might be a need to "burn them all" after all.

Show Your Appreciation With This 7-Day Gratitude Challenge

Everyone loves tangible gifts, but it's the ones we can't hold in our hands that really mean the most. We've created a challenge designed to help you show your gratitude to the ones who have positively impacted your life. From your closest family members to the smiling server who makes your coffee every morning, here's how to give thanks seven days straight:

  1. Send flowers to your parents.
  2. Handwrite thank-you cards and send them to the five people closest to you.
  3. Give a server a big tip.
  4. Clean the house for a roommate or significant other.
  5. Bring in sweet homemade treats for co-workers.
  6. Reach out to someone who has had a big influence on your life.
  7. Cook a nice meal for your best friend.

This Braided Headband DIY Is an Unexpected Bridesmaids Hairstyle Idea

You're probably sick of every blow-dry bar bridesmaid menu option: the fishtail, the half-up bun, the waterfall, etc. Been there. Instagrammed that. This season, try something dainty and unexpected: a braided headband. We love this style because it allows you to wear your hair down; it works with waves, curls, and sleek styles; and it looks just as pretty on longer lengths as it does lobs. Plus, the style functionally pulls some of your strands out of your face.

Hairstylist Gina Schiappacasse from NYC salon Hairstory broke down how to DIY (it's actually pretty simple!). Keep reading to learn her techniques for a gorgeous wavy blowout complemented by a mini headband braid.

Health Canada announces consultation on tobacco packaging

australian cigarette packages

The UN health agency says "plain packaging" on tobacco products has shown to be an effective complement to health warnings and advertising restrictions.

WHO doubles Zika sexual abstinence wait to 8 weeks before trying to conceive

Brazil Zika CDC

The UN health agency says sexual transmission of Zika is more common than first thought, so its updated advice to women who have been in areas hit by the virus tells them to wait even longer to conceive.

Health Canada announces consultation on tobacco packaging

australian cigarette packages

The UN health agency says "plain packaging" on tobacco products has shown to be an effective complement to health warnings and advertising restrictions.

WHO doubles Zika sexual abstinence wait to 8 weeks before trying to conceive

Brazil Zika CDC

The UN health agency says sexual transmission of Zika is more common than first thought, so its updated advice to women who have been in areas hit by the virus tells them to wait even longer to conceive.

lundi 30 mai 2016

The Hidden Dangers in Your Backyard Barbecues

The Fourth of July fireworks might still be to come this year, but that doesn't mean there aren't other Summer dangers to watch out for when it comes to our pups. Believe it or not, there are hidden hazards at your common backyard barbecue, and we want to share them with you so you and your pets can be as safe as possible.

  • Give him a haven. Just like when fireworks are happening and when any other event is happening, make sure your pet has a safe place to hide, away from any festivities or people. Not all animals are comfortable during celebrations, so just be sure he has a place to go with food and water.
  • Be proactive. If you decide to have friends and family over for any kind of get-together that may involve coming and going from your house, make sure your pet is microchipped in case he slips out when a family friend leaves the front door open too long. Your pets should also be wearing collars and tags, despite how much they may hate them. Having a collar and tag on, even just during the festivities, could save an animal's life.
  • Put up a sign. If you do plan to be in your yard and it happens to be fenced in with a gate, put up a sign to let your guests know you have a dog in the yard. This should remind them to keep the gate closed so your pet stays in.
  • Keep grilled food for yourself. The amount of sodium, fat, and potentially toxic seasonings found in human food from the grill can be dangerous for your pets. Instead of feeding your pets your food, make sure they have something specifically for them, like Nudges Grillers or Nudges Sizzlers, all-natural dog treats that taste and smell like they came straight off the grill.
  • Keep the garbage sealed. There are so many things in your garbage that are harmful to your pets. Anything from chicken bones to leftover chocolate brownies are very toxic for your animals. Also, you shouldn't want your pets eating out of the garbage anyway. Make sure you have a lid on the garbage can or that it is in a place your pets can't get to.
  • Keep toxic fluids and flames away. Make sure your pets can't get anywhere near any grilling supplies, like lighters, lighter fluid, and charcoal, or any insect repellant. All of this will be very harmful for your pet. Also make sure they aren't near the grill while it is lit. You don't want them to get burned!

If you keep all these tips in mind, you can definitely have a superfun backyard barbecue with your family, your friends, and your favorite furry pals.

The Hidden Dangers in Your Backyard Barbecues

The Fourth of July fireworks might still be to come this year, but that doesn't mean there aren't other Summer dangers to watch out for when it comes to our pups. Believe it or not, there are hidden hazards at your common backyard barbecue, and we want to share them with you so you and your pets can be as safe as possible.

  • Give him a haven. Just like when fireworks are happening and when any other event is happening, make sure your pet has a safe place to hide, away from any festivities or people. Not all animals are comfortable during celebrations, so just be sure he has a place to go with food and water.
  • Be proactive. If you decide to have friends and family over for any kind of get-together that may involve coming and going from your house, make sure your pet is microchipped in case he slips out when a family friend leaves the front door open too long. Your pets should also be wearing collars and tags, despite how much they may hate them. Having a collar and tag on, even just during the festivities, could save an animal's life.
  • Put up a sign. If you do plan to be in your yard and it happens to be fenced in with a gate, put up a sign to let your guests know you have a dog in the yard. This should remind them to keep the gate closed so your pet stays in.
  • Keep grilled food for yourself. The amount of sodium, fat, and potentially toxic seasonings found in human food from the grill can be dangerous for your pets. Instead of feeding your pets your food, make sure they have something specifically for them, like Nudges Grillers or Nudges Sizzlers, all-natural dog treats that taste and smell like they came straight off the grill.
  • Keep the garbage sealed. There are so many things in your garbage that are harmful to your pets. Anything from chicken bones to leftover chocolate brownies are very toxic for your animals. Also, you shouldn't want your pets eating out of the garbage anyway. Make sure you have a lid on the garbage can or that it is in a place your pets can't get to.
  • Keep toxic fluids and flames away. Make sure your pets can't get anywhere near any grilling supplies, like lighters, lighter fluid, and charcoal, or any insect repellant. All of this will be very harmful for your pet. Also make sure they aren't near the grill while it is lit. You don't want them to get burned!

If you keep all these tips in mind, you can definitely have a superfun backyard barbecue with your family, your friends, and your favorite furry pals.

Survivor, doctor offer advice on how to talk about cancer

Tragically Hip

Fans across the county have been sending messages of love and support following the announcement of Gord Downie's cancer diagnosis. But when cancer hits closer to home, finding the right thing to say can feel like a struggle. Here's what two people with personal experience with cancer advise.

Survivor, doctor offer advice on how to talk about cancer

Tragically Hip

Fans across the county have been sending messages of love and support following the announcement of Gord Downie's cancer diagnosis. But when cancer hits closer to home, finding the right thing to say can feel like a struggle. Here's what two people with personal experience with cancer advise.

'Rising tide' of syphilis, gonorrhea hits all ages

Seniors safe sex

Sexually transmitted infections such as syphilis and resistant gonorrhea have public health officials and staff at Canadian nursing homes taking note.

Find Out What's Happened to Your Favorite HGTV Hosts of Yesteryear

If you're anything like me, you spend a lot of time watching HGTV - and have done so for years! The network, which launched in 1994, has seen a number of series and hosts over the last two decades. At the moment, the network has a huge roster of stars including the Property Brothers's Drew and Jonathan Scott and Flip or Flop's Tarek and Christina El Moussa.

Many years ago, however, the network was populated by a number of different faces. You may have wondered, at one time or another, what happened to your favorite HGTV hosts of yesterday. Well, wonder no longer, because we've found out!

These DIY Macramé Hanging Planters Look Straight Out of an Anthropologie Catalog

Hanging planters are having a moment, and we're the first to admit we love the style - but while we want our home to appear straight out of an Anthropologie catalog, we don't want to spend big bucks to get it there. Luckily, blogger Helena of Craft & Creativity has found a way to get the look on a budget. She DIYed beautiful hanging planters using just terra cotta pots, white paint, and macramé cord. Check out the beautiful image below, and get the full tutorial, including step-by-step directions on how to knot the cord, on Helena's blog. Then hang away and wait for the compliments to come flooding in.

Why This Controversial Organizing Method Is Exactly What You Need

Letting go of clutter is hard to do. Anyone who has encountered the teachings of Japanese cleaning guru Marie Kondo knows that minimalism is currently all the rage; her housekeeping manual, The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up, has inspired legions of readers to throw away their unneeded belongings - and Marie Kondo's newest book, Spark Joy: An Illustrated Master Class on the Art of Organizing and Tidying Up is in January's POPSUGAR Must Have Box, which you can buy here! We love all things related to organization and have to admit to clearing out our drawers and closets in a fit of aspirational tidying ourselves.

Not everyone, though, is on board with KonMari, the nickname Kondo gave her techniques. As with any good trend, there's a corresponding backlash. Back in May, a writer for The New York Times extolled the virtues of living a life surrounded by things in an article called "Let's Celebrate the Art of Clutter."

Whether you're pro- or anticlutter, you must admit there's a certain calmness to be found in a well-organized drawer. Read through to see 25 examples of Marie's method at work, and see if you aren't a little inspired to take a turn at organizing your own home.

15 Reasons We Would Feel at Home Moving In With Chris Pratt and Anna Faris

It's impossible not to love Chris Pratt and Anna Faris. With a slew of hit movies and hilarious television shows under their belts, they're one of the most talented couples in LA - but don't let their Hollywood Hills address fool you; this couple is also as down to earth as they come. Whether they're making basic home improvements, doing mundane chores on a Saturday night, or cuddling up with their son, Jack, on the sofa, they always keep it refreshingly real. Here are 15 times we could totally relate.

'Rising tide' of syphilis, gonorrhea hits all ages

Seniors safe sex

Sexually transmitted infections such as syphilis and resistant gonorrhea have public health officials and staff at Canadian nursing homes taking note.

I Started Saying "No" and Began Losing Weight

Saying "no" has never been my forte. I'm a social creature and a "yes" person. Long before FOMO permeated the pop culture landscape, I hated passing up any enticing invitation for a night out - the phrase "I'll sleep when I'm dead" comes to mind when I think about my first years in San Francisco.

Eventually, I woke up and found myself with a complete lack of energy, a totally shot immune system, and a body I barely recognized. The irony of it all was I was coming up on my one-year anniversary of writing for POPSUGAR Fitness. I was sitting at my desk writing all day and going out (almost) every night from work. I was left with exactly zero time to dedicate to my physical fitness or general wellness. Somewhere in my mind I had worked out this deal: since I was writing about health all day long, I was obviously being healthy. Then, I saw one Instagram proving that this was not the case. Seeing this photographic proof was the push I needed to recommit to a consistent routine, but seeing results was much tougher than I had anticipated. And it wasn't because I wasn't making time to work out; it's because I had to start saying "no" to people I love.

No, I can't eat nachos tonight. No, I can't go to your show at 11 p.m. on Wednesday; I have SoulCycle at 7 a.m. (and then, I work all day). No, I can't stop by the bar, because I don't want to be coaxed into drinking a bunch of Manhattans and wake up hungover and hating life. No, I need to leave early, so I can prep meals for the week and clean my house. No, I am not interested in your cupcake. Well . . . I am interested in your cupcake, but no, no thank you.

If you're new to this whole healthy-living gig, heed my advice, and consider this a warning. There are people you love and love spending time with who will do everything in their power to get in your way. They'll tell you they miss seeing you, ask you to skip a Sunday morning class so you can meet them for brunch, and say everyone keeps asking where you've been hiding. Even after explaining that "no" has become more rampant in my vocabulary because of my health, I still felt like I was letting friends down. Guilt plagued me for some time, but once I started reaping the benefits of all my hard work, the response became easier and more natural. And honestly? It feels really good to put my foot down, take the reins, and do what's best for me.

Don't get me wrong: making time for fun is absolutely essential to live a balanced life, and trust me, I have plenty of fun. But I realized that if I was serious about changing my body and changing my life, it was only going to work if I set healthy boundaries that were on my terms. Sure, there are still weeks I spread myself too thin and nights I stay out way too late, but the vast majority of my time is dedicated to living a healthier, more balanced life - and I've got the results to prove it.

Keep Going and Going and Going: How to Increase Your Endurance

Signing up for a distance race is exciting! But if the length's got you worried, it's good to know that endurance is a skill. Just the act of exercising regularly will help you be able to become stronger and exercise for longer, but there are specific ways you can help your body during vigorous or long-lasting workouts. Here are five tips to help build your endurance.

Remedy Digestion Woes With This Papaya Ginger Mint Smoothie

Be a Part of Our 4-Week Beginner Bodyweight Challenge

If you're completely new to strength training, doing bodyweight exercises is a great starting point - since you don't need any equipment, you can do them anywhere, anytime. This four-week challenge incorporates six basic moves designed to target all your major muscle groups.

Here are instructions for the six different moves, followed by a four-week plan. Follow the plan and adjust it as needed according to your schedule and ability level.

Related: 25 No-Equipment Moves That Transform Your Body

8 Netflix Docs That Will Change Your Relationship With Food

Whether you're a fitness junkie, professional couch potato, dedicated vegan, or somewhere in between, you'll be able to relate to one of these eight Netflix documentaries. Here's why: each film makes you stop and think about food from intriguing points of view. But not just in a "I'd do unthinkable things to eat this cronut on my Instagram feed right now"-type of mindframe. These documentaries make you see food from a new perspective; to some it's a lifestyle that encompasses all that they do, to others food has become their own personal demon. Each film is equally fascinating, informative, and worth pausing the current TV show binge you might be in the midst of.

- Additional reporting by Lizzie Fuhr

Refreshing Summer Side: Sweet and Sour Cucumbers

Long and Lean Full-Body Yoga Flow

It's time to slow it down and work your muscles while lengthening them, so today's workout is a yoga flow to help you get long and lean. It's perfect for stretching tight muscles while working your arms and core in surprising new ways.

Directions: move through the entire 12-pose sequence on the right side, and then repeat on the left.

9 Bachelorette Party Ideas That Fit Fanatics Will Love

If you yell "SHOTS!" and the bride-to-be in your life thinks wheatgrass, it's probably time to rethink that Las Vegas bachelorette party you're planning. Sure, wheatgrass isn't for everyone, but a healthy bachelorette party can still be fun, indulgent, and even a little wild.

  1. Grab your mats and book a private yoga class. Add an Ayurvedic spa treatment to the day for a complete yogic theme.
  2. Go on a vacation that offers a mix of fun and health. Head to Tulum for a beachside yoga retreat, hit up Palm Springs for bike rides and poolside adventures, or get lost in a National Park for a weekend of camping and hiking. You can also immerse yourself in a total mind and body wellness retreat.
  3. Invite your friends to an outdoor bootcamp workout. Once the workout is over, nurse sore muscles with a healthy brunch complete with antioxidant-rich wine.
  4. Get sexy with a striptease fitness class. If the idea of spinning around a pole has you nervous, don't worry - the lights will be turned down low to keep you from feeling self-conscious.
  5. Take a healthy cooking or cocktail-making class together. Learn to chop, dice, and muddle your way to tasty, nutritious meals and drinks.
  6. Plan a running weekend and start the party off with a 5K, 10K, or run of your choice. To recover, pamper yourselves for the rest of the weekend with pedicures, massages, and spa treatments.
  7. Be adventurous and learn something new together. Whether it's a group surfing lesson, learning to stand-up paddleboard, or going on your first whitewater river adventure, bond over a new and shared fitness activity.
  8. Have a relaxing girls' night in; cook a healthy dinner together, unwind with your favorite movies, and above all, find lots of reasons to laugh!
  9. De-stress with the ultimate spa day: get massages, detox in the spa or sauna, and don't forget the plunge pool - an ice bath does wonders for the body.

6 Healthy Reasons You Should Be Eating Cherries

Snacking on sweet and tart cherries is one of the best parts of the warmer months. You knew they were healthy - one cup is just 87 calories! - but did you know they were packed with tons of nutritional benefits and can even ward off diseases? Here's why you should add cherries to your grocery list all season long.

They reduce inflammation: A study published in the Journal of Nutrition found that cherry consumption reduces several biomarkers associated with chronic inflammatory diseases. Specifically, cherry juice can ease joint inflammation for people who suffer from arthritis and gout, according to a University of Vermont study.

They're a good source of vitamin C and fiber: A one-cup serving of cherries contains 16 percent of your daily recommended amount of vitamin C and over two grams of fiber.

They can improve brain function: If you make it a habit to snack on tart cherries, you could be improving your brain in the long run. Research has shown that cherries can even reduce symptoms of Alzheimer's disease and Huntington's disease.

They prevent muscle damage: Cherries reduce muscle soreness after a workout, and they can prevent greater muscle damage in the long run. While sore muscles are a sign of a good workout, it's never all that fun to deal with painful steps on the stairs the next day. Cherries are chock-full of anthocyanins, powerful antioxidants that contain anti-inflammatory properties and soothe aching muscles.

They fight cardiovascular disease: The potent anthocyanins, which give cherries their ruby hue, can also have a positive effect on heart health. University of Michigan Health system researchers found that cherries can "alter factors linked to heart disease and diabetes."

They help you sleep: Cherries are a natural source of melatonin, a hormone that helps control sleep. Considering how important sleep is for your overall health (it can even affect the results of your diet), it's worth incorporating cherry juice into your diet if you're having trouble getting enough hours each night. A study published in the Journal of Medicinal Food found that, specifically, tart cherry juice can improve sleep in adults affected by insomnia.

Craving cherries now? Use them fresh from the farmers market, or pick up a bag of frozen, and try these healthy recipes:

The Best Total-Body Workout That You're Probably Not Doing

The rowing machine is getting more and more use lately, as many fitness enthusiasts are discovering the power of this surprisingly simple (but crazy effective!) workout. CrossFit boxes love incorporating rowing into their programs, and boutique rowing studios are starting to pop up in major cities, but for some reason, we're still seeing empty rowing machines at the gym.

Related: Row Like a Pro and Get a Great Workout

To find out a little bit more about what makes rowing so amazing, we talked with a couple experts - Kevin O'Connell, coach at Reebok CrossFit ONE, and Dino Adelfio, instructor at Row Club rowing studio in San Francisco - and we took a class ourselves. Holy. Cow. That class was hard, but incredible! We were definitely feeling the burn the next day (hello, quads!).

Here are four reasons you should try rowing now:

  1. It's a Total-Body Workout: Did you know that rowing uses 86 percent of the muscles in your body? That's pretty hard to beat. Plus, rowing is a cardio workout, which burns major calories and leads to a healthier heart.
  2. It's efficient: Adelfio told us that NASA astronauts train with rowing, because it's so efficient. Thirty minutes of rowing can have the same physical impact as 90 minutes of cycling, so if you're short on time, skip Spin and head to the gym for a quick session.
  3. It's versatile: The moves you do in rowing "carry over to the mechanics of other movements" outside the gym, explains O'Connell. CrossFit founder Greg Glassman defines this as "universal recruitment patterns," a characteristic of Functional Movements. When we took our first rowing class, we experienced firsthand how the rowing movement breaks down into squat and front row, working many different muscle groups.
  4. It's injury-safe: O'Connell says that with rowing, "there is minimal impact loading, so it is safe for individuals that may have had ankle, knee, or hip injuries." NOTE: make sure to keep the damper - which controls the resistance - set to 5 and no higher!

Ready to get started? Here's how to start using the rowing machine. If you're more familiar with the machine, try our rowing interval workout.

29 Summer Recipes That Make Feeding a Crowd a Breeze

Feeding a crowd during Summer, whether it's a big family or a group of dinner-party guests, can be hassle-free if you have the right recipes. To help you out, we've rounded up more than 20 summertime meals that can easily be made in big batches (think easy grilling recipes, casseroles, and caprese salads) that are designed to feed and please a crowd.