Healthy lifestyle
A healthy lifestyle is one which helps to keep and improve people's health and well-being.Many governments and non-governmental organizations have made big efforts in healthy lifestyle and health promotion.
Mental Health
Mental health can be considered a very important factor of physical health for the effects it produces on bodily functions. This type of health concerns emotional and cognitive well-being or an absence of mental disorder.
Public health
Public health can be defined in a variety of ways. It can be presented as "the study of the physical, psychosocial and socio-cultural determinants of population health and actions to improve the health of the population.
Reproductive Health
For the UN, reproductive health is a right, like other human rights. This recent concept evokes the good transmission of the genetic heritage from one generation to the next.
Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being, and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.
jeudi 13 septembre 2018
A Dietitian Reveals the 2 Things You Should Avoid Eating If You Want to Lose Belly Fat

It seems like there's always a new fad diet or supplement that promises to blast away belly fat: Atkins, Whole30, green tea, keto, cinnamon, intermittent fasting, to name a few. And while many people have found varying success on many of these programs, the promises that they can immediately transform your body are overblown.
"There is still no miracle diet, food, nutrient, or bioactive component that will target abdominal fat," Kari D. Pilolla, PhD, RDN, of the California Polytechnic State University in San Luis Obispo, wrote in an article for ACSM's Health & Fitness Journal. She continued that this belly fat increases risk for heart disease, diabetes, and metabolic syndrome. But while targeting belly fat is important, there is no miracle cure or specific diet that can do the trick.
There are, however, some dietary patterns that have been found to help reduce belly fat. For example, a diet low in trans and saturated fat and higher in fiber has been found to help reduce belly fat. "These recommendations are consistent with heart-healthy diets like the NIH-developed Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH) diet and the Mediterranean-style diet," she wrote.
She also urged health and fitness professionals to stay up to date and critical of peer-reviewed and published research evidence. "A single study, even if well designed, does not support changing diet or exercise recommendations," she wrote.
Since belly fat is such a persistent issue for people, both for aesthetics and health purposes, there's no shortage of belly-fat-related content and recommendations on the internet. But it's important to be discerning with the information and stay up to date with the latest research. If you're looking to lose weight and target belly fat, it's best to talk with your doctor or a registered dietitian to find the best diet for you.
This Sports Dietitian Explains Why You Shouldn't Cut Carbs If You Are Trying to Build Muscle

If you're trying to put on muscle, you're probably lifting weights and loading up on protein; protein is the building block of muscle and helps build and repair tissue, so it's essential if you want to see gains. But many people make the mistake of focusing too much on protein and neglecting carbs.
Carbs have been demonized as the macronutrient that will spike your blood sugar, make you store fat, and derail your fitness efforts. In reality, eating carbs can actually help you lose weight. And like protein, it's essential for gaining strength and growing muscle. Jim White, RDN, ACSM, owner of Jim White Fitness and Nutrition Studios, recommends a high-carbohydrate diet for muscle growth since carbs are the main source of energy that your muscles will use.
"Carbohydrates increase glycogen stores in the body, and thus allow for more," he told POPSUGAR. Glycogen is used by your body to fuel exercise, especially high-intensity exercise with moderate-level repetition and resistance.
"During workouts, the body relies and depends on muscle glycogen," he explained. "Thus, having low levels of muscle glycogen, which would arise from a diet that is low in carbohydrates, would negatively affect performance for high-intensity exercise." Especially after you exercise, carbs are important for muscle repair and renewal in a process called "muscle glycogen resynthesis."
So while, yes, it's important to fuel up with protein after a workout, you should also get some carbs in, too. Stumped on what that should be? Check out our list of recovery snacks that provide the perfect amount of protein and carbs to fuel your muscles and help you recover. If you want to build muscle overall, Jim recommends a macro breakdown of 55 percent carbs, 25 percent protein, and 20 to 25 percent fat.
Curious to Try the Keto Diet? Here's Everything You Can and Cannot Eat

The keto diet has been one of the most talked-about health trends in the past year. The low-carb, high-fat diet induces a state of ketosis in your body, creating ketones that burn fat instead of the glucose converted from carbohydrates. In other words, the keto (short for ketogenic) diet forces your body to burn fat instead of sugar, which can lead to potential weight loss.
Just like any other diet, the keto diet has its pros and cons, and while it remains highly controversial among dietitians and nutritionists, some devotees have reported successful weight loss.
So which foods can you eat and which ones should you avoid? If you're curious about trying the keto diet, read through for a helpful guide on everything you can and can't eat.
Burn Fat and Build Muscle With These at-Home HIIT Workouts

You do not need to leave your house to get a kickass workout. To prove this, we've rounded up our favorite HIIT workouts that you can do right in your living room. They're all short, too, between 10 and 30 minutes. And since all the workouts feature bodyweight exercises, you don't need any equipment either. Fair warning: you might need a water bottle and quite possibly a towel - you will get sweaty. Check out the list, find a workout that fits your needs, then get at it.
101 Satisfying Snack Recipes All Under 150 Calories

When you need a little something to nosh on, whether it's to satiate hunger until your next meal, fuel your workout needs, or satisfy your sweet or salty cravings, these snacks come to the rescue! Skip the sugar-laden granola bars, processed crackers, and greasy chips, and whip up one of these easy and delicious recipes. From vegan to gluten-free to Paleo to Whole30 to keto, there's a snack here for everyone - all for around 150 calories!
The Fitness Marshall Brings the Energy With New Dance Video to "Only Wanna Dance With You"

The Fitness Marshall never fails to make fitness fun with his peppy and sexy dance videos. Now, he's turning up the energy with his latest video to Kesha's "Only Wanna Dance With You."
"Strap on your boots, and get wild to this high-energy (and criminally underrated) Kesha track," The Fitness Marshall told POPSUGAR. "This dance is purely FEEL GOOD, so if you need to smile, this might do the trick."
Watch the video above, and get ready to break a sweat - with a smile on your face!
I Absolutely Suck at Sleeping, and This Is What Finally Helped Me Rest

I'm very, very bad at sleeping. I can't recall if it's always been that way or if I've just become incredibly unlucky in recent years, but nevertheless, as much as I love sleep, sleep doesn't love me back. I can actually fall asleep really easily (and by that I mean I can fall asleep just about any time, anywhere), but I never sleep soundly and rarely feel well-rested. I admittedly haven't tried many things to help me sleep because I never wanted to rely on something like a sleeping pill. Instead, I decided to give the soothing benefits of lavender a try for a week to see if I'd notice any change.
I fall asleep really easily, but I never sleep soundly and rarely feel well-rested.
If you're unfamiliar, lavender essential oil can be used for a variety of things, including inducing restful sleep. Studies have shown that the scent of lavender can improve insomnia. One study noted that lavender may work better in younger subjects and among women.
For six nights, I worked my way through a variety of lavender products and saw mixed results. For two of the nights, I showered with lavender body wash and soap right before bedtime. Another three nights, I tried Lush Sleepy Lotion ($10), which is made with lavender, and lavender essential oil on my hands and feet. And on the final night, I took a bath with a Lush Ickle Baby Bot ($5), which may be made for kids, but what adult doesn't want a robot-shaped bath bomb?
What Worked and What Didn't
Showering with lavender soap and body wash, or bathing with a lavender bath bomb, didn't seem to leave me any more rested. As always, I was able to fall asleep easily, around my usual time of midnight, but woke up constantly throughout the night. I felt like I might have been sleeping more deeply, but I still woke up feeling the same as I usually do.
The nights I used the essential oil and Sleepy Lotion seemed to be more restful than I typically experience. Lush recommends slathering your skin in the Sleepy Lotion, but because I hate lotion (sorry, not sorry), I only put it on the top half of my body, then washed it off my hands. Then I rubbed the oil on the bottoms of my feet and put socks on - a friend swears by this method - and left a little residue on my hands. I did have to be careful with how much I used because my very needy cats not only sleep with me but also like to rub their heads on things and then lick their fur later, and I didn't want to run the risk.
I didn't try the Sleepy Lotion or essential oil separately, so I can't be sure if one worked more than the other, or if the magical combination is my saving grace, but I'll keep trying it out to see.
What I'll Do Next
There were a lot of variables at play during my week of lavender, so I think I need to do some more testing before I make a firm call on how much it helped. The nights I showered with the body wash happened to be after very stressful workdays, and I can never sleep soundly when I'm stressed out. The days I used the Sleepy Lotion and essential oil were weekend nights or nights my cats decided to leave me alone during the night.
Now that I have the Sleepy Lotion, though, and the essential oil, it's easy enough to keep using them in different ways on different parts of my body to see if they continue to be effective. If nothing else, I got a few more nights of restful sleep than I usually do, and I'll take whatever I can get. More importantly, there's no harm in experimenting with something so natural.
The New Apple Watch Is Basically a Heart Doctor For Your Wrist - Here's the Lowdown

Ladies and gentlemen, the next generation of Apple Watch is upon us. On Sept. 21, the tech giant will officially release its Apple Watch Series 4, an advanced piece of arm candy that's not only capable of housing all your apps, making phone calls, playing music, and keeping track of your daily to-dos - it's quite literally capable of saving your life.
The newest generation of the smartwatch comes with even more advanced heart-monitoring features than previous versions, acting as a portable wrist doctor of sorts and encouraging users to stay more on top of their health and fitness. While presenting the redesigned device at a launch event on Sept. 12, Apple's Chief Operating Officer Jeff Williams explained the Apple Watch Series 4's various capabilities, honing in on the following heart-health-focused features:
- At any given time, you can do an electrocardiogram (or ECG), which only takes 30 seconds. This assesses your heart's electrical activity and can be used to identify signs of possible heart disease. According to ABC, Apple received FDA approval for listing the new watch as a medical device because of its do-it-yourself ECG ability.
- The watch can also detect an irregular heartbeat rhythm that may suggest atrial fibrillation, a condition that could increase your risk for stroke or heart disease.
- Whereas older Apple Watch generations could alert you when your heart rate is too high, this new generation can notify you when it appears too low.
- Lastly, the device can detect when a fall occurs and automatically call 911 if a user doesn't respond to an alert within a certain time period.
The Apple Watch Series 4 will start at $399 for GPS models and $499 for cellular models and come in one of three finishes: gold, black, or stainless. Orders can begin on Sept. 14, and they'll be available for purchase on Sept. 21. Ahead, find out more about the portable device, and keep reading to see just how excited Apple customers are to snag one for themselves.
8 Keto-Approved Fruits to Add to Your Diet

Touted as nature's candy, fruit is something we grew up knowing was good for us. While it's loaded with vitamins, minerals, and fiber, it does contain sugar, making it a food some believe should be avoided when on diets like keto, on which you're also supposed to limit your carbs to 20 to 50 grams.
The good news is that you don't have to take fruit completely out of rotation when you're trying keto because there are some types that are low in carbs and high in fiber that fit the diet's restrictions. Knowing how to calculate your net carbs is super handy in making sure you don't get yourself out of ketosis, but without having to do the math, here are eight types of fruit you can (thankfully!) have on keto.
The 1 Simple Mistake That Could Be Slowing You Down on Long Runs

It was after my longest run ever - 12 miles, at that point - that I got the hunch I messed up. The last two or three miles were a harder slog than they should have been; I felt like I needed a boost to snap me out of my physical fatigue and mental grogginess. I set out hydrated and well-rested and didn't have any nagging injuries. I also set out with nothing but a double espresso in my stomach and didn't consume any calories during the run. Rookie mistake.
My fueling fail prompted me to ask my coach, Bec Wilcock, to share the nuts and bolts on what to eat and when to eat on a distance run. Coach Bec is training my Nike Women's Marathon Project team (mercilessly, I might add) for the Chicago Marathon. Her own credentials are impressive: she's a seasoned ultramarathoner and all-around powerhouse who knows a thing or two about keeping your body fueled to tackle major tests of endurance.
Here's the simple science behind why it's vital to refuel mid long run: your body needs glucose (sugar) to burn. If it doesn't have it, it will move onto your body's glycogen stores. Our livers and muscles store glycogen, and once the muscle's stores are depleted, extreme physical fatigue - or "bonking," in runner's parlance - sets in. Read on for Coach Bec's advice on how to figure out what fueling plan works for you.
5 Biggest Mistakes You'll Want to Avoid on the Keto Diet

The buzzy ketogenic diet is making headlines all over the internet lately. Endorsed by social influencers and experts alike, it's fair to say going keto is the new Paleo. Like with most diet trends, though, if you're not properly aligning the nutritional guidelines with your overall fitness goals, chances are, you won't see the results you seek.
The purpose of a ketogenic diet is to "hack" your body to use fat (instead of carbohydrates) as its primary source of energy. Basically, you eat fat to burn fat. The benefits can include a boost in mental clarity, a leaner body, increased energy, and more.
We consulted with a few nutrition experts to break down some of the most common mistakes people make when going keto to set you up for a successful and manageable journey to ketosis.
Feeling Tight and Inflexible? Here Are 40 Stretches to Help You Get Loose

Stress can leave you tight. Challenging workouts can leave you tight. Long, hard runs can leave you tight. Heck, just sitting at your desk or driving for a long time can leave you tight! Since so many activities can leave your muscles tight, you need to give them a little extra TLC and stretch. But you don't just want to stretch a cold muscle! Save these muscle-lengthening moves for when your body is warmed up, like after a walk, hike, bike ride, or run. We've organized them by body part so you can easily find the stretch your body needs.
If You Struggle to Lose Belly Fat, These 9 Tips Can Change That

Exercise alone, especially doing hundreds of crunches or hours of treadmill miles, isn't the key to reducing belly fat. Although we can't spot-reduce fat from our bellies, all it takes is the right combo of lifestyle changes, including diet and exercise, and you'll have a leaner tummy - and you can keep it that way! Incorporate these nine simple, doable, expert-recommended habits to ditch belly fat for good. Start with one or two of these at first, and losing belly fat will feel easy.
A Trainer Says This Is the 1 Move You Need to Do If You Want to See Your Lower Abs

If sculpted abs are your thing, or perhaps you're just looking for a challenge, I've got the move for you: the hanging knee raise. I love doing this move because it feels like every single muscle in your body is working at once - because they are! You're going to feel this move throughout your core, especially in your lower abdominals. If you're ready for a challenge, continue reading to learn how to do the hanging knee raise.
Hanging Knee Raise
- Start by hanging on a pull-up bar with palms facing out, or use the ab straps and hang with your arms inside of them. Do use a box or bench if you need help reaching the bar.
- Pull your shoulder blades down your back to keep your shoulders away from your ears.
- Engage your abs as you simultaneously lift both knees up to your chest with control.
- Lower the legs down slowly and return to the starting position. This completes one rep.
- Complete two sets of 10 reps.
- Avoid swinging during this move to ensure that you're really working your abs.
- If this move is too hard, you can do seated knee tucks or reverse crunches on the ground.
I Caved and Finally Bought a Fake Fig Tree - Life's Never Been Better

I'm living proof that the old adage suggesting that one should get a plant and a pet before having a baby is terrible advice. While my 2-year-old is thriving, I've had much less success keeping my plants alive. Despite my black thumb rap sheet, I got sucked into the vortex of the fiddle leaf fig tree trend. I blame it on the gigantic leaves and all of the Instagram conditioning - they make every room look better, right?
After nearly a year of obsessive plant nurturing behavior that included dusting its leaves, bathing it in our bathtub, and leaving the curtains drawn before heading out to work (for optimal light exposure), I began to notice brown spots. After the brown spots arrived, the leaves began to slowly fall. I panicked, which didn't help the situation. I watered less, then watered more. I moved the plant from one spot to the next. I pruned (with kitchen scissors, but still). And at rock bottom, I ripped off the few remaining leaves while releasing a warrior cry. We were over.
12 Products to Keep Your Home Organized Without Sacrificing Your Personal Style

There's something about having an organized home that makes you feel like a more accomplished person. And if you have the right products, staying organized is easier than you think. Those go-to organizational items don't have to be drab or boring; these home essentials from Urban Outfitters prove that you can express your taste and still keep everything tidy. Just keep reading to shop our picks!
I Tried the Internet's Favorite Pillow - It Gave Me the Best Damn Sleep I've Had in Months

I have always been a terrible sleeper. I'm a night owl, I'm generally anxious, and I constantly wake up in the middle of the night. I've tried everything from sound machines to melatonin, but I never uncovered anything particularly effective for me. Not until I put my head on the Casper Pillow ($65), that is.
No exaggeration, this pillow has been a total game changer for me. Who knew such a simple switch could finally be the key to good rest? The first night I used it, I had zero expectations. The next morning, I woke up shocked - I had slept through the night without a single disturbance. I thought it was just a fluke, but night after night, I was sleeping soundly and feeling energized the next day. I was even naturally waking up earlier.
The next morning, I woke up shocked - I had slept through the night without a single disturbance.
So what makes this pillow so special? It's made with two layers of fabric, so it adapts to your movement throughout the night.
"Its pillow-in-pillow design wraps an internal supportive pillow in an outer layer of fluff that stays evenly distributed in any position," the brand explains. It feels like a fluffy hotel pillow to me - it allows my head to sink in without being too soft or too firm. I love it so much, I'm considering getting a few more.
If you have sleep problems, it truly could be as simple as what you're lying on. Give this little puff of heaven a try for yourself.
Nordstrom Launched a Halloween Shop and It's Boo-tiful - See For Yourself!

When we think of Nordstrom, seasonal decor is not always the first thing that comes to mind. But you would be surprised by the retailer's expansive Halloween options this year - consider us impressed. We're talking embroidered pillows, gilded pumpkins, festive glassware, and more. We created a list of our favorite products from the department store so you can shop the highlights. Get them now before everyone swoops them up next month.
39 Disney World Facts That Even Die-Hard Fans Don't Know

The happiest place on Earth also happens to be one of the most interesting. Disney World has been around for nearly half a century, and with age comes good stories - and lots of them. We've rounded up 39 Disney World secrets even die-hard fans will be shocked to discover.
If you can't get enough Disney, check out our posts full of tips and facts:
The Best Frozen Entrees From Trader Joe's, Hands Down

In case you haven't ever explored the magical place that is the frozen aisle at Trader Joe's, let us enlighten you. There's no shame in turning to frozen meals when you have zero time to cook, but if you're going to do it, you should know what's actually worth buying. Keep reading to find out which frozen meals POPSUGAR editors pick up and why, and look for them on your next Trader Joe's run.
Everything You Need to Know About Michelle Obama's Upcoming Book Tour

If you've been anxiously awaiting more info on Michelle Obama's highly anticipated memoir, then get excited, because the former first lady has announced details about her upcoming book tour. Becoming hits shelves on Nov. 13, and Obama will kick off a 10-city book tour in her hometown of Chicago that day. The tour stops will feature conversations between Obama and moderators who will soon be announced.
She posted a video on social media to celebrate her "big day," saying, "I've had time to think and reflect for the first time in a long time, and I've spent some time really thinking about the people and the stories and the experiences that have shaped me and helped me become the person I am today." She added, "I am proud of what I created. I'm proud because it is candid, it's honest. It is totally and utterly me, and so I'm also a little frightened because it is so candid and honest and open, but I can't wait to share it with the world."
Keep reading to watch Obama's full announcement and get details on all 10 tour dates.
The New Apple Watch Is Basically a Heart Doctor For Your Wrist - Here's the Lowdown

Ladies and gentlemen, the next generation of Apple Watch is upon us. On Sept. 21, the tech giant will officially release its Apple Watch Series 4, an advanced piece of arm candy that's not only capable of housing all your apps, making phone calls, playing music, and keeping track of your daily to-dos - it's quite literally capable of saving your life.
The newest generation of the smartwatch comes with even more advanced heart-monitoring features than previous versions, acting as a portable wrist doctor of sorts and encouraging users to stay more on top of their health and fitness. While presenting the redesigned device at a launch event on Sept. 12, Apple's Chief Operating Officer Jeff Williams explained the Apple Watch Series 4's various capabilities, honing in on the following heart-health-focused features:
- At any given time, you can do an electrocardiogram (or ECG), which only takes 30 seconds. This assesses your heart's electrical activity and can be used to identify signs of possible heart disease. According to ABC, Apple received FDA approval for listing the new watch as a medical device because of its do-it-yourself ECG ability.
- The watch can also detect an irregular heartbeat rhythm that may suggest atrial fibrillation, a condition that could increase your risk for stroke or heart disease.
- Whereas older Apple Watch generations could alert you when your heart rate is too high, this new generation can notify you when it appears too low.
- Lastly, the device can detect when a fall occurs and automatically call 911 if a user doesn't respond to an alert within a certain time period.
The Apple Watch Series 4 will start at $399 for GPS models and $499 for cellular models and come in one of three finishes: gold, black, or stainless. Orders can begin on Sept. 14, and they'll be available for purchase on Sept. 21. Ahead, find out more about the portable device, and keep reading to see just how excited Apple customers are to snag one for themselves.
39 Disney World Facts That Even Die-Hard Fans Don't Know

The happiest place on Earth also happens to be one of the most interesting. Disney World has been around for nearly half a century, and with age comes good stories - and lots of them. We've rounded up 39 Disney World secrets even die-hard fans will be shocked to discover.
If you can't get enough Disney, check out our posts full of tips and facts:
11 Things to Do in Marrakesh, Morocco

Morocco is a country unlike any other, as cliche as that sounds. Within the Northern African location, the popular tourist destination of Marrakesh lies. This vibrant and colorful city is a mixture of ancient and new. In the old town, which is likely where you'd start your journey, you can find palaces and souvenir bazaars where you'll feel as if you stepped back into another time. It's the perfect city to start your trip to Morocco in. With inexpensive flights from most of Europe it's incredibly easy to head over for a long weekend away or even as an addition to a Euro trip. Here are 11 things to do in Marrakesh, Morocco.
I Caved and Finally Bought a Fake Fig Tree - Life's Never Been Better

I'm living proof that the old adage suggesting that one should get a plant and a pet before having a baby is terrible advice. While my 2-year-old is thriving, I've had much less success keeping my plants alive. Despite my black thumb rap sheet, I got sucked into the vortex of the fiddle leaf fig tree trend. I blame it on the gigantic leaves and all of the Instagram conditioning - they make every room look better, right?
After nearly a year of obsessive plant nurturing behavior that included dusting its leaves, bathing it in our bathtub, and leaving the curtains drawn before heading out to work (for optimal light exposure), I began to notice brown spots. After the brown spots arrived, the leaves began to slowly fall. I panicked, which didn't help the situation. I watered less, then watered more. I moved the plant from one spot to the next. I pruned (with kitchen scissors, but still). And at rock bottom, I ripped off the few remaining leaves while releasing a warrior cry. We were over.
12 Products to Keep Your Home Organized Without Sacrificing Your Personal Style

There's something about having an organized home that makes you feel like a more accomplished person. And if you have the right products, staying organized is easier than you think. Those go-to organizational items don't have to be drab or boring; these home essentials from Urban Outfitters prove that you can express your taste and still keep everything tidy. Just keep reading to shop our picks!
I Tried the Internet's Favorite Pillow - It Gave Me the Best Damn Sleep I've Had in Months

I have always been a terrible sleeper. I'm a night owl, I'm generally anxious, and I constantly wake up in the middle of the night. I've tried everything from sound machines to melatonin, but I never uncovered anything particularly effective for me. Not until I put my head on the Casper Pillow ($65), that is.
No exaggeration, this pillow has been a total game changer for me. Who knew such a simple switch could finally be the key to good rest? The first night I used it, I had zero expectations. The next morning, I woke up shocked - I had slept through the night without a single disturbance. I thought it was just a fluke, but night after night, I was sleeping soundly and feeling energized the next day. I was even naturally waking up earlier.
The next morning, I woke up shocked - I had slept through the night without a single disturbance.
So what makes this pillow so special? It's made with two layers of fabric, so it adapts to your movement throughout the night.
"Its pillow-in-pillow design wraps an internal supportive pillow in an outer layer of fluff that stays evenly distributed in any position," the brand explains. It feels like a fluffy hotel pillow to me - it allows my head to sink in without being too soft or too firm. I love it so much, I'm considering getting a few more.
If you have sleep problems, it truly could be as simple as what you're lying on. Give this little puff of heaven a try for yourself.
Nordstrom Launched a Halloween Shop and It's Boo-tiful - See For Yourself!

When we think of Nordstrom, seasonal decor is not always the first thing that comes to mind. But you would be surprised by the retailer's expansive Halloween options this year - consider us impressed. We're talking embroidered pillows, gilded pumpkins, festive glassware, and more. We created a list of our favorite products from the department store so you can shop the highlights. Get them now before everyone swoops them up next month.
39 Disney World Facts That Even Die-Hard Fans Don't Know

The happiest place on Earth also happens to be one of the most interesting. Disney World has been around for nearly half a century, and with age comes good stories - and lots of them. We've rounded up 39 Disney World secrets even die-hard fans will be shocked to discover.
If you can't get enough Disney, check out our posts full of tips and facts:
The Best Frozen Entrees From Trader Joe's, Hands Down

In case you haven't ever explored the magical place that is the frozen aisle at Trader Joe's, let us enlighten you. There's no shame in turning to frozen meals when you have zero time to cook, but if you're going to do it, you should know what's actually worth buying. Keep reading to find out which frozen meals POPSUGAR editors pick up and why, and look for them on your next Trader Joe's run.
This Miracle Product Completely Saved My Thick Hair

I've had thick, unruly hair for as long as I can remember. When I was growing up, the biggest problem I faced was finding a brush that could easily comb through it.
None of the available options worked for me. A traditional boar bristle brush made my hair fluffy; those with mixed bristles weren't strong enough to unsnarl my tangles; and plastic versions broke too easily. Oh, and a comb? Forget about it. I'd tried everything and was beginning to feel hopeless - until I met the Tangle Teezer ($12).
This brush is designed to fit perfectly in the palm of your hand, so you can have a better grip and control. It comes in a wide array of colors (which is helpful if you keep it in your bag, because you'll always be able to find it). But those are just the details. The most important part is that the Tangle Teezer can brush through all of my knots and tangles without so much as a wince from me. It's painless, and it's quick; just a few swipes through my hair and I'm good to go.
I use this brush immediately after I get out of the shower, but I know some people like to use it to brush conditioner through their ends - it's all about personal preference. It always leaves my hair shiny, never fluffy. Now, I cannot take a shower without it because I know my hair will undeniably look like a disaster if I do. I have one in my bathroom, my suitcase, my gym bag, and one more just in storage for good measure. Seriously, if you have thick or easily tangled hair, the Tangle Teezer is a must try.
These Are the Fall Skincare Swaps You Need to Make ASAP

New season, new skincare routine. It's cliche but true: as soon as the weather changes, so should your beauty routine - and that includes your must-have masks, cleansers, and moisturizers.
For Fall, you should focus on moisture. The drier air can zap your visage of its glow, so pick products that maintain your skin's hydration and keep the future looking bright, like anti-redness serums and slightly thicker face creams. Ahead, we've rounded up our favorite new products that will help you embrace the new season.
Everything You Need to Know About Michelle Obama's Upcoming Book Tour

If you've been anxiously awaiting more info on Michelle Obama's highly anticipated memoir, then get excited, because the former first lady has announced details about her upcoming book tour. Becoming hits shelves on Nov. 13, and Obama will kick off a 10-city book tour in her hometown of Chicago that day. The tour stops will feature conversations between Obama and moderators who will soon be announced.
She posted a video on social media to celebrate her "big day," saying, "I've had time to think and reflect for the first time in a long time, and I've spent some time really thinking about the people and the stories and the experiences that have shaped me and helped me become the person I am today." She added, "I am proud of what I created. I'm proud because it is candid, it's honest. It is totally and utterly me, and so I'm also a little frightened because it is so candid and honest and open, but I can't wait to share it with the world."
Keep reading to watch Obama's full announcement and get details on all 10 tour dates.
The New Apple Watch Is Basically a Heart Doctor For Your Wrist - Here's the Lowdown

Ladies and gentlemen, the next generation of Apple Watch is upon us. On Sept. 21, the tech giant will officially release its Apple Watch Series 4, an advanced piece of arm candy that's not only capable of housing all your apps, making phone calls, playing music, and keeping track of your daily to-dos - it's quite literally capable of saving your life.
The newest generation of the smartwatch comes with even more advanced heart-monitoring features than previous versions, acting as a portable wrist doctor of sorts and encouraging users to stay more on top of their health and fitness. While presenting the redesigned device at a launch event on Sept. 12, Apple's Chief Operating Officer Jeff Williams explained the Apple Watch Series 4's various capabilities, honing in on the following heart-health-focused features:
- At any given time, you can do an electrocardiogram (or ECG), which only takes 30 seconds. This assesses your heart's electrical activity and can be used to identify signs of possible heart disease. According to ABC, Apple received FDA approval for listing the new watch as a medical device because of its do-it-yourself ECG ability.
- The watch can also detect an irregular heartbeat rhythm that may suggest atrial fibrillation, a condition that could increase your risk for stroke or heart disease.
- Whereas older Apple Watch generations could alert you when your heart rate is too high, this new generation can notify you when it appears too low.
- Lastly, the device can detect when a fall occurs and automatically call 911 if a user doesn't respond to an alert within a certain time period.
The Apple Watch Series 4 will start at $399 for GPS models and $499 for cellular models and come in one of three finishes: gold, black, or stainless. Orders can begin on Sept. 14, and they'll be available for purchase on Sept. 21. Ahead, find out more about the portable device, and keep reading to see just how excited Apple customers are to snag one for themselves.
39 Disney World Facts That Even Die-Hard Fans Don't Know

The happiest place on Earth also happens to be one of the most interesting. Disney World has been around for nearly half a century, and with age comes good stories - and lots of them. We've rounded up 39 Disney World secrets even die-hard fans will be shocked to discover.
If you can't get enough Disney, check out our posts full of tips and facts:
mercredi 12 septembre 2018
10 Gifts From Jo Malone Everyone in Your Life Will Love

Jo Malone London makes the kind of products that make you feel super fancy. The top-tier fragrance brand carries incredible unisex fragrances available in creams, bubble bath, colognes, and candles all packaged in gorgeous, minimalist packaging. Each stunning scent can be layered with others to create a completely unique smell, individualized to your personality and tastes.
The next time you're searching for the perfect gift for someone in your life, consider giving them a product from Jo Malone's line. Each feels luxurious and is exactly the kind of present your friend would never dream of treating herself to. Ahead, you'll find some of the brand's best products to bestow upon your loved ones.
11 Things to Do in Marrakesh, Morocco

Morocco is a country unlike any other, as cliche as that sounds. Within the Northern African location, the popular tourist destination of Marrakesh lies. This vibrant and colorful city is a mixture of ancient and new. In the old town, which is likely where you'd start your journey, you can find palaces and souvenir bazaars where you'll feel as if you stepped back into another time. It's the perfect city to start your trip to Morocco in. With inexpensive flights from most of Europe it's incredibly easy to head over for a long weekend away or even as an addition to a Euro trip. Here are 11 things to do in Marrakesh, Morocco.
11 Things to Do in Marrakesh, Morocco

Morocco is a country unlike any other, as cliche as that sounds. Within the Northern African location, the popular tourist destination of Marrakesh lies. This vibrant and colorful city is a mixture of ancient and new. In the old town, which is likely where you'd start your journey, you can find palaces and souvenir bazaars where you'll feel as if you stepped back into another time. It's the perfect city to start your trip to Morocco in. With inexpensive flights from most of Europe it's incredibly easy to head over for a long weekend away or even as an addition to a Euro trip. Here are 11 things to do in Marrakesh, Morocco.
11 Things to Do in Marrakesh, Morocco

Morocco is a country unlike any other, as cliche as that sounds. Within the Northern African location, the popular tourist destination of Marrakesh lies. This vibrant and colorful city is a mixture of ancient and new. In the old town, which is likely where you'd start your journey, you can find palaces and souvenir bazaars where you'll feel as if you stepped back into another time. It's the perfect city to start your trip to Morocco in. With inexpensive flights from most of Europe it's incredibly easy to head over for a long weekend away or even as an addition to a Euro trip. Here are 11 things to do in Marrakesh, Morocco.
Kaia Gerber's Stunning Floral Jumpsuit Can Easily Be Worn in the Fall

Sure, Kaia Gerber is 17, but she's quickly become one of the most talked-about models since she made her runway debut during Spring 2018 Fashion Week. This season, Kaia started off New York Fashion Week with a bang walking for Tom Ford. The leggy model wore a breathtaking fringe dress that swayed as she made her way down the runway. She then went on to wear the perfect Fall ensemble at Ralph Lauren's 50th anniversary show, and a tie-dye blazer at R13. Kaia is clearly making her mother, Cindy Crawford, proud. Read on to see what Kaia's been wearing this Fashion Month, then have a look at all the stars who've sat in the front row.
You Won't Believe This Is a Backyard Wedding - but It Is!

If you're planning a destination wedding in our northern neighbor - or if you're Canadian and planning a hometown big day - get ready for some luscious lakeside inspiration. Tessa and Tyrell met as staff members at Camp Firwood in Bellingham, WA, and they tried unsuccessfully to keep the relationship from getting too serious due to all the family ties at the camp. Bride Tessa told us, "Since we both have lots of family that has worked at Firwood, our first conversation was about how we could never get married - otherwise all of the Camp Firwood staff would be related!" But just a year later, they began their two-year dating relationship. They were engaged for six months before tying the knot.
Taking place outdoors at Tessa's family's home on Lake Okanagan in British Columbia, the wedding had a beautiful, nature-filled backdrop that didn't require much in the way of decor. "We didn't really have a theme for our wedding," Tessa explained. "I just wanted it to be elegant. We chose to have it in the evening and have purple, charcoal, and black as our colors. We had lots of damask pattern in the dark colors, which I think helped us achieve the classy/sophisticated look that I wanted."
See stunning photos of the wedding and learn more about how it all came together ahead.
You Won't Believe This Is a Backyard Wedding - but It Is!

If you're planning a destination wedding in our northern neighbor - or if you're Canadian and planning a hometown big day - get ready for some luscious lakeside inspiration. Tessa and Tyrell met as staff members at Camp Firwood in Bellingham, WA, and they tried unsuccessfully to keep the relationship from getting too serious due to all the family ties at the camp. Bride Tessa told us, "Since we both have lots of family that has worked at Firwood, our first conversation was about how we could never get married - otherwise all of the Camp Firwood staff would be related!" But just a year later, they began their two-year dating relationship. They were engaged for six months before tying the knot.
Taking place outdoors at Tessa's family's home on Lake Okanagan in British Columbia, the wedding had a beautiful, nature-filled backdrop that didn't require much in the way of decor. "We didn't really have a theme for our wedding," Tessa explained. "I just wanted it to be elegant. We chose to have it in the evening and have purple, charcoal, and black as our colors. We had lots of damask pattern in the dark colors, which I think helped us achieve the classy/sophisticated look that I wanted."
See stunning photos of the wedding and learn more about how it all came together ahead.
Burn Up the Calories With This At-Home Cardio Workout

Not into running? No worries. We've got you covered for cardio. This 20-minute workout will get your heart rate up, and you don't even have to leave the house. You don't need any equipment, so press play and get at it!
The Cast of Sierra Burgess Is a Loser Is So Good, We Can Barely Handle It

Justice for Barb at last! In the latest Netflix rom-com, Sierra Burgess Is a Loser, Shannon Purser (also known as the legendary Barb from Stranger Things) is finally getting the starring role she deserves.
If you haven't watched the trailer yet, Sierra Burgess Is a Loser is about an ambitious but unpopular high-schooler who starts exchanging texts with a guy she finds herself falling for - except he thinks she is Veronica, the most popular girl in school.
A catfishing tale with good intentions, this movie is totally sweet, and the cast is absolutely stacked. Scroll through to check out who will be appearing in the film, which hit Netflix on Sept. 7.
The Most Stunning Royal Weddings From Around the World

While many royal weddings don't garner the attention of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle's nuptials, it doesn't mean that they lack in lavishness. These couples' weddings are part of a long tradition of elaborate royal weddings around the world. In 2012, Luxembourg treated its Crown Prince Guillaume to an extravagant affair when he married Belgian Countess Stéphanie de Lannoy. The celebration, which reportedly cost around $650,000 and was funded by taxpayers, spanned multiple days and included a guest list packed with kings, queens, and other royals from around the world. In Brunei, Princess Hajah Hafizah Sururul Bolkiah, the fifth daughter of Brunei's sultan, married Pengiran Haji Muhammad Ruzaini at her father's 1,700-room palace in front of 3,000 guests. A state dinner followed, and Queen Elizabeth II even sent her best wishes.
These royals make up some of the lesser-known but just as regal royals of the world. And just like the Brits, they know how to throw opulent weddings for members of their families. From the wedding for the future emperor of Japan in 1924 to Grace Kelly's Monaco spectacular in 1956 to Prince William and Kate Middleton's big day on April 29, 2011, here is a guide to the world's royal weddings over the years.
Princess Eugenie's Chosen a Wedding Dress Designer, and This Is What We Know

Since Princess Eugenie announced her engagement to Jack Brooksbank back in January, we've been pondering over what her wedding dress might look like. With only a few weeks to go until her big day, a few details have finally started to emerge, and while the designer will remain a secret until the very last minute, we do know one thing for sure: the gown will be from a British fashion house.
Eugenie confirmed the news to British Vogue, saying, "I'm not telling anyone who is making it, but I can say it is a British-based designer." During the interview, the princess also explained how her wedding dress was "the one thing that I was really decisive about. As soon as we announced the wedding, I knew the designer, and the look, straight away. I never thought I'd be the one who knew exactly what I like, but I've been pretty on top of it."
Of course, there are now strong rumors that Erdem could be the chosen designer. Over the years, Eugenie has worn numerous dresses by the fashion house, and she even chose one of them to pose in for her engagement portraits. However, there are also other names believed to be in the running. These include Vivienne Westwood, who designed the outfit she wore to the wedding of Prince William and Kate Middleton, and Ralph & Russo, who designed the gown worn by Meghan Markle for her engagement photos.
But could the princess choose a smaller house, such as Gainsbourg, who designed the gorgeous ensemble she wore to the wedding of the Duke and Duchess of Sussex? Only time will tell. As we patiently wait for her big day, take a look at some of Eugenie's most memorable fashion moments in Erdem, Vivienne Westwood, and Gainsbourg.
These 10 Fruits Can Actually Help You Lose Weight

In today's ever popular low-carb craze, you might be tempted to shun fruits from your diet, worried that the sugar and carbs will keep you from reaching your weight-loss goals. While it's true that there are varieties you should avoid, other fruits can actually assist with weight loss - thanks largely to fiber, a nutrient that keeps you feeling full and satisfied for fewer calories. Here, you'll find 10 fruits that are loaded with the stuff. Snack on them, cook with them, and feel slimmer too.
These Instant Pot Meals Are Under 6 Weight Watchers SmartPoints Per Serving

Is there anything the Instant Pot can't do? Whether you simply want to eat healthier or hope to lose weight, this handy gadget has you covered. But what if you are on Weight Watchers and need to stay under a certain SmartPoint threshold per meal? For that, we've got you covered - here you'll find 16 Instant Pot meals that are six or fewer SmartPoints per serving. Whether you want something veggie-full or packed with meat, you'll find plenty of options to keep you on track with your Weight Watchers plan. Keep reading and get cooking.
These 6 Accessories Will Help You Avoid Getting Pickpocketed While Traveling

For all the incredible moments travel gives us - once-in-a-lifetime adventures, new friends, unforgettable meals - there are certain less-than-ideal realities that we all have to acknowledge can happen. Flights get delayed, hotels cancel, plans go awry, and pickpocketing happens. From tiny towns to a buzzing metropolis, theft can happen anywhere and will cast a serious dark cloud over the rest of your trip.
But we get it - it's hard to not get caught up when you're exploring somewhere new, and we're not about to bust out a 1980s fanny pack. So how can we protect the necessities while traveling? On your next trip, rather than put your valuables in a backpack or jeans pocket that can be easily reached by skilled pickpocketers, consider our list of six clever accessories that will help keep your things safe and sound.
You've Probably Never Heard the Incredible Story of This Heroic 9/11 Female Fighter Pilot

When Heather Penney entered the cockpit of her F-16 fighter jet on Sept. 11, 2001, she knew it was unlikely she would ever survive. Her task? Take down the United Airlines Flight 93 that was unaccounted for after two planes struck the Twin Towers. She would have to do so in an unarmed fighter jet because equipping the plane with missiles would require too much time. Her plane would be the weapon; it was essentially a suicide mission. Penney never completed the job, though, because Flight 93 crashed as brave passengers wrestled control from the hijackers while it flew over Pennsylvania.
The Washington Post first shared Penney's story in 2011, but it's worth revisiting on the anniversary of the attacks. Her interview was the first time she had spoken to the press about that day. "We wouldn't be shooting it down. We'd be ramming the aircraft," she told The Post. "I would essentially be a kamikaze pilot."
Penney, whose nickname is coincidentally Lucky, was a 26-year-old rookie pilot at the Andrews Air Force Base at the time. Not only had she just completed air combat training, but she was also part of the first group of female combat pilots our country has ever had.
"I would essentially be a kamikaze pilot."
On Sept. 11, she was accompanied by Col. Marc Sasseville in the air. The plan was that Sasseville would aim for the cockpit and Penney would ram the tail. Sasseville told The Post he considered the possibility that he could eject from his jet just before making impact with the plane. Penney was hesitant to eject because she was worried about what would happen if her jet didn't hit. "If you eject and your jet soars through without impact . . . " she told The Post, insinuating she would rather die than eject and fail at her mission.
Penney's intrepidity doesn't end there, though. Her father was a former fighter pilot who inspired her to enter the Air Force; he had retired but was flying commercial at the time of her mission - for United Airlines, on the East Coast. Though Penney had "no way of knowing whether [her] father was airborne or not," she still had a mission to do.
Hours after takeoff, Penney and Sasseville were informed that the plane, United 93, had crashed. They were tasked with escorting the president and Air Force One through the threatening skies for the rest of the day. "The events of that day really brought to bear how solemn a responsibility and what a privilege it is to serve my nation," she said to ABC News in the video above. "And that there are more important things than me."
Despite her willingness to die for her country, Penney doesn't consider herself a hero. "The real heroes are the passengers on Flight 93 who were willing to sacrifice themselves. I was just an accidental witness to history," she told The Post.
Penney has since retired from the Air Force; she is a mother and works as the director of Lockheed Martin's air superiority systems program. Her list of accomplishments exceeds one instance of heroism: she served two tours in Iraq and remains a National Guard reserve pilot. Even if Penney doesn't perceive herself as a hero, her readiness to sacrifice her life for our country certainly deserves praise.