lundi 15 février 2016

A Puppy Monkey Baby Costume Already Exists Because People Are Weird as Hell

Still thinking about your fond memories of the Super Bowl? Maybe you remember celebrating the Denver Broncos win or watching the dancing dad Vine over and over again. Those were the fun memories that will make you laugh, while other ones - like Mountain Dew's weird commercial featuring a puppy monkey baby - will forever haunt you.

If you thought those nightmares were over, they are only just beginning thanks to this new DIY costume from

The blog post breaks down what materials you need to exactly re-create this iconic look. To be completely honest, the person behind this 100 percent nailed the look. We won't be surprised if we see this costume a lot by the time Halloween rolls around, but we're also crossing our fingers that people don't follow suit. Look at the photos ahead if you're so inclined to make your own DIY puppy monkey baby costume.

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