mardi 28 juin 2016
Someone Get Us These Awesome Emoji Pool Floats ASAP
Everyone knows emoji-ing is a way of life. And life just got 10 times better when we discovered these emoji pool floats from Thrice Brand. For $40 or more you can invest in a giant poo or flame float. They appear to be durable, come in a matte finish, and, according to the product descriptions, stand at six feet tall.
Nate Schmiedehaus, creator of these genius devices,said, "I created these giant Emoji Pool Floats because swan and donut floats are so 2015, and is it really summer if there's no new pool float to Instagram yourself on? I think not."
So, if you haven't thought about throwing a pool party, you should - if only as an excuse to buy one of these adorable floats.
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