dimanche 26 juin 2016

This Game of Thrones Theory Will Change the Way You Look at Daario

As tough and merciless as Daenerys Targaryen has proven to be in her conquering of Slaver's Bay, it would be an understatement to say she's been met with opposition - most disturbingly in the form of the Sons of the Harpy. Secretive, vicious, and, perhaps worst of all, anonymous, the Mother of Dragons never knows where (or who) they'll strike next in their war against her rule in Meereen. The leader has yet to be revealed in A Song of Ice and Fire as well. So who's behind it all? Who's pulling the strings? Who's the titular Harpy in Game of Thrones? It might be someone we've already met.

Hizdahr zo Loraq

Hizdahr is introduced in season four when Daenerys first comes to Meereen and kills the slave masters. Hizdahr's father is one of those killed, which a thread on A Forum of Ice and Fire suggested could have sparked a motive for leading some sort of rebellion against Dany. Not to mention that the Sons of the Harpy are former slave masters themselves, which makes Hizdhar kind of an obvious suspect. He also isn't exactly thrilled with Daenerys's ruling methods, especially her resistance to opening the fighting pits.

Another theory points out that in season five when Dany almost has her dragons burn all of the other Great Masters alive, Hizdhar puts on a brave face - but as soon as he is alone with Dany, he begs for his life. It almost seems as if he wants to appear in control in front of his own people but still respectful of Dany, in order to play both sides.

And once Dany agrees to marry Hizdahr? The Sons of the Harpy seem to fade away (at least for a while). Hmmmm.

Hizdahr comes off more suspicious in the A Song of Ice and Fire books, but it's still never made clear whether he was pulling the strings. And when Hizdahr dies at the end of season five, his death puts an end to the idea that he could go on being the leader of the Sons of the Harpy. That's not to say the group couldn't continue on with the mission that Hizdhar got them started on. We know they're still out in force, as evidenced by their burning Dany's fleet and their reappearance in "Battle of the Bastards." But let's move on to the next theory.

Daario Naharis

True, Daario is originally part of a whole other group in another part of Slaver's Bay, The Second Sons, which makes this theory difficult logistically. He appears to be completely happy following his pretty queen around doing whatever she asks of him, but Daario is more than he seems. We already know he has no qualms about betraying people he's sworn allegiance to - he kills his Second Sons commanders who had been plotting to assassinate Daenerys in season three without a second thought.

Reddit user cattaphish pointed out several details that while aren't exactly smoking guns, might make you pause. Daario knows exactly where the Son of the Harpy is hiding in the walls in season five. He claims he could figure it out because he understood the man's fear, but maybe it's something more. This Reddit thread also goes on to mention that Daario encourages Daenerys to kill the nobles in Meereen, and during the attack from the Sons of the Harpy at the end of season five, the biggest target seems to be masters more than slaves.

Not to mention that just before Ser Barristan goes out into the city and is killed by the Sons of the Harpy, Daario had just convinced her she didn't need to call him back to protect her. Another Reddit theory on this idea even brings up the fact that Daario and Hizdhar go to Yunkai together in season four to deliver her ultimatum about ending slavery and would have had plenty of time for one of them to strike up a deal with the other . . .

Again, this theory hits a major snag at the end of season five as well, when the Sons of the Harpy attack. If Daario is the leader, it would have been a great opportunity for him to take Daenerys out. But he doesn't. And we also see him leading the Dothraki horde against a group of Harpies in "Battle of the Bastards," which is pretty contrary to the theory as well. Could he be innocent? Or maybe just playing an even longer game than we realize?

Whoever is behind the Sons of the Harpy, it's clear that they've got their work cut out for them after the outcome of the recent attack on Meereen. Could their leader get desperate enough to reveal him(or her)self now that the Masters aren't there to fund the group anymore?

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