vendredi 30 décembre 2016
10 Thoughts All Regular Gym-Goers Have in January
For regular gym-goers, January is the most dreaded time of the year. It's the time when people recover from their New Year's Eve hangovers, swear they're never going to drink again, and decide that this is going to be the year they actually follow through on their fitness New Year's resolutions! While we have the utmost respect for those who want to start fresh with their fitness goals, the frustration of an overly crowded gym is something all regulars know way too well. Keep reading to see some hilarious January gym thoughts we have while trying to weed through all the newbies, and if you are new to the gym, check out these tips for making it less intimidating.
This 12-Month "I Am Strong" Challenge Is Better Than Any New Year's Resolution
Treat Yourself to Fit Gifts For Your New Year's Resolutions
30 Easy, Healthy New Year's Resolutions You'll Actually Be Able to Keep
This 12-Month "I Am Strong" Challenge Is Better Than Any New Year's Resolution
Treat Yourself to Fit Gifts For Your New Year's Resolutions
30 Easy, Healthy New Year's Resolutions You'll Actually Be Able to Keep
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