mardi 20 décembre 2016
3 Ways Breakfast Can Help You Lose Weight
Some people think skipping breakfast is a great weight-loss tactic. The logic being that they're cutting calories out of their daily intake; unfortunately, it doesn't work out that way. Most people will make up for the calories later on in the day. Eating a meal in the morning can actually help you reach your weight-loss goal, and here are three reasons why.
- Breakfast jump-starts your metabolism: If you skip the first meal of the day, your metabolism actually slows down to conserve energy. Studies show that those who eat breakfast regularly lose weight, keep it off, and are less likely to be overweight. Breakfast eaters also more likely to exercise regularly. So be sure you eat breakfast, and enjoy it within an hour after waking up.
- Protein reduces cravings for sweets: The high amount of protein in popular breakfast choices such as Greek yogurt, whole grains, and eggs will give you energy, so you'll be less likely to reach for sugary, high-calorie pick-me-ups like pastries and specialty coffee drinks.
- Fiber satiates hunger and flattens your belly: Cereal, made from whole grains, and fresh fruit are both great breakfast choices because they're high in fiber. Fiber not only keeps you feeling full longer so you're less apt to feel snacky between meals, it also reduces the bloating associated with constipation, which makes your tummy appear flatter.
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