vendredi 9 décembre 2016
3 Workout Must Dos to Save Time at the Gym
When you're pressed for time during the holidays, it's important to make the most of your time at the gym. Instead of feeling like you need to spend tons of precious time on a lengthy cardio session, these gym hacks will shave time off your workout and help you see results.
Add intervals: Maximize your cardio with intervals. Playing with the speed burns more calories than working at a steady pace and it also revs up your metabolism! In a study from the journal Cell Metabolism, researchers found that periods of intense cardio can fire up certain genes that initiate the fat-burning process and after-burn effect, which translates to more calories burned even after the workout is over. It doesn't get better than that. Here are some interval workouts to get you started.
Add intensity: If you tend to take a step back and not push yourself when working out solo, go for intense group classes. Most gyms offer quick and dirty 30- to 45-minute workouts that go intense, keep you on your toes, and burn tons of calories. If heading to the gym isn't an option, it's totally possible to kick your own butt at home. These 10 fast full-body workouts help you make it happen!
Add weights: Still think that lifting heavier weights only makes you bulk up? Guess again. According to trainer Tia Falcone, who helped Miss America lose over 50 pounds, weight training is the key to achieving the toned, strong look you're going for; she suggests aiming for four strength-training sessions per week. Save time with this mashup full-body circuit workout that keeps your heart rate elevated to burn calories while you build muscle with weights.
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