mercredi 28 décembre 2016
7 Things Parents Can Do to Stop Bratty Behavior - Before It's Too Late
Distinguishing if your child is a brat is actually harder then it seems. While you might look at a child acting up at the supermarket and immediately label them as spoiled, when it's your own kid, you see the big picture, recognize that it's because they didn't have their nap yet, and reflect on how great they're acting later in the afternoon. But when your child doesn't meet the expectations you have for other children and they show unfavorable behavior - whether it's age-appropriate or not - it's time to make some changes to stop that bratty behavior fast.
Elaine Rose Glickman, author of Your Kid's a Brat and It's All Your Fault, knows how to recognize bratty behavior and spoke to POPSUGAR Moms about what to do about it. "I think most people probably know when their child is a brat, but don't to face it," Glickkman said. "As adorable and wonderful as toddlers and preschoolers are, we can still have a sense if they're turning into a brat. A lot of the issues of brattiness are the parents' fault - or at least become the parents' responsibility." In order to do something about your little one's bad attitude and public meltdowns, check out these seven ways to stop bad behavior now.
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